Akashi And A carrier ~

779 26 38

November 9 1967

Ironblood Base

Akashi: Is it Finished ?

Roon: Yes it's done , I can show it to you

Then Roon Shows her the Finished Weapon.

Roon: Although it's was hard to make we managed to get it done

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Roon: Although it's was hard to make we managed to get it done

Akashi was looking at the weapon and was satisfied.

Akashi: This is good enough *Hands a Briefcase Containing Money* Take this As my payment.

Roon: Where are you even getting this many money .



Littorio : We don't have enough Money to sustain the base .

Akashi: Why ?

Littorio: It's because of the rich people not giving us money so we gotta do the hard way .

Akashi: Okay Let's go and Do it .

Littorio: I thought you were going to stop me .

Akashi: *Didn't hear* What ?

Littorio: Nothing

Some Random Mansion In Sardegna empire.

Dad : Get my hands off my daughter!!!

Daughter: Daddy sav---

Littorio then knocks her out .

Dad: You Bi---

Akashi Punch him and throws him to a wall .

Dad: W....what do you w...want ?

Akashi: Give me all your money or we rape your daughter.

Dad: Take it !! It's all yours!!!  Points at one of the doors .

Akashi: That's where you stored all the money ?

Dad: Yes

Akashi: Littorio can you confirm ?

Littorio: Yes there is a lot of money here .

Akashi: It's seems that you are telling the truth .

Dad: Now Let us g------

Akashi Killed him using her Luger Po8

Daughter: Nooooo !! Daddy !!

Akashi: Now then *Looks at the daughter * It's time for us to have fun , Littorio are you Joining?

Littorio: Hell yeah i am .

And let's just say that was very nice day


Akashi: Some business

Roon : Oh no wonder you have so much money .

Akashi: Has Nurnberg finished Upgrading my ship ?

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