Satan x Reader: Are You Sure?

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You were walking down the halls listening to Asmo ramble on about beauty products when an upset Satan stormed by the two of you slamming the door to his room. You and Asmo visibly flinched before Asmo let out a sigh, "I guess him and Lucifer got into again." You nodded agreeing with the Demon of Lust, "I wouldn't doubt it every time those two are in the same room he always slams his door shut and demands to be left alone." Asmo ran a hand through his hair as he shook his head, "Stress isn't good for me and yet this place is hell-bent on throwing it in my direction anyway." You laughed a little bit as Asmo complained before coming up with an idea, "How about I go check on Satan and you go make sure all this stress isn't making you less attractive?" Asmo looked at the woman and nodded, "Oh thank you Y/N I can't be looking any less than 200% now can I?" You nodded watching as Asmo left to his room which left you with going to check on Satan. Now considering you've never been in Satan's room much less ever went to go check on him after an argument you were sort of nervous not really sure what to say. Ever since you came to the Devildom you were attracted to the Demon of Wrath, you liked the way he kept to himself most of the time and you also loved when he recommended books to you. Getting lost in your thoughts you failed to realize that you've already made it to Satan's door and by the time you realized it you already hit your head on it. "Ow goddamn it!" You winced in pain as a voice called out from the other side of the door, "Unless the house is on fire go away." You sighed as you placed a hand on the doorknob seeing if it would turn only to find out he locked it. "Satan I just want to make sure you're alright, I mean I know I don't check on you normally but... please I just want to help." After a while of the door not budging you sat with your back against it. "You always keep to yourself, and it isn't easy to know when you're going through something. I just want you to know even if you feel like you can't go to any of your brothers you... you at least have me." Looking down you weren't aware of the little click the door made until Satan done swung it open with you falling backwards, landing on his feet. "O-ow." You slowly got up with the help of Satan as he closed his door back and made his way back over to you. "What do you want to know?" He asked you crossing his arms over his chest. You sighed softly before speaking, "I'm not going to force you to say why you're upset I just want to know if you're going to be alright." Satan looked at you sitting on his bed before giving in to what you wanted. "Alright fine, Lucifer was doing his damn shit again... and I don't know this time it just got to me. I don't know why it usually never does but there was something in his voice that really bothered me." Satan was to busy rambling on about why he was angry that he failed to notice you rubbing his back which seemed to calm him down greatly. "You know there's a place I found not to far from here do you maybe feel like going on a walk with me?" You looked at the blonde-haired male, "I also think you getting out of the house for a bit would be a great idea." Satan nodded agreeing with you "It sounds better than being in the same place these other idiots are in." Content with his answer you got off the bed and nodded." I'll be waiting by the door then." Satan watched Y/N leave as he got off his bed and grabbed his shoes before following her.

You made it to the doors not able to get Satan out of your head, it was like every time you blinked you saw a tiny part of him whether it be his hair or his eyes it was always him. You waited by the door patiently as Satan finally arrived beside you. "Ok I'm here where are we going exactly?" You opened the door as you both walked out, "Just somewhere that's calming and if you're worried there's going to be people there won't be." Seeming content with your answer he nodded as the two of you walked out of the house and down a little path that led into the woods. After a good thirty minutes of walking you stopped at a nearby tree and smiled, "This is the spot I was talking about." Satan looked around as he nodded in approval, "It is pretty peaceful here but if this is your spot why bring me here and not another location?" You looked in his eyes and nearly dropped to your knees with how cute they looked when he was curious. "Y/N? Are you alright?" Satan was tapping your shoulder as you snapped out of your thoughts. "H-huh? oh yeah, I'm fine just thinking I guess. Anyway, I brought you here because it's not only peaceful, but I wanted to share my special spot with a very great friend of mine." You smiled while inside your heart broke from calling him a friend. Satan for the first time ever actually gave you a soft smile and it took every little bit of dignity you had to remain standing. "Well in that case thank you for trusting me this much with your special location." You nodded as the two of you sat underneath a tree and Satan looked at you again. "Does it not bother you with how easily annoyed and irritated I get?" You looked back at the blonde and shook your head, "Of course not it's normal to get irritated and annoyed, and besides it means I can bring you here anytime your irritated or angry." Satan nodded and looked at you, "You really helped me out today Y/N, thanks." You smiled back at him and just for a split second you swore you saw a light shade of pink on his cheeks. "I'm glad I could help you out." The two of you sat in silence for a moment before you spoke up again, "Hey um... is it possible the reason you like being left alone when you're angry is because you don't want me to see you in that state?" Satan's attention would be drawn to you as he nods, "In a manner of speaking yes." Satan slowly took a breath before speaking again, "I don't care for my brothers seeing me in that state, but I feel like when you see me like that it scares you, and I don't like scaring you because... well... I really like you." Your face slowly turned a light shade of pink as you smiled, "I'm not going to lie the first time I was here and you were angry I was scared a little, but now it just worries me, and I like to do what I can to either get your mind off things or just calm you down." Your gaze went from the grass, then back to Satans' as you spoke again. "Ever since I first came here, I've always felt this attraction to you, and I guess you could say with time I've come to love you." Your voice trailed off as you quit talking not sure whether he was going to say the words back or not. Satan moved his hand on top of yours as his soft smile returned, "I love you too Y/N but are you sure you want to be with me? I just don't want to hurt you if I-" You cut him off by placing a gentle kiss on his lips to which he returned before nodding. "Yes, I'm sure I only want you and nothing can change my mind about it." Satan nodded content as you spoke in such confidence as he gently laid your head down in his lap and the two of you stayed like that until it started getting dark and the two of you walked back to the House of Lamentation, well more or less you winded up passing out on his lap so it was more of Satan made his way back while he carried you in his arms.

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