Lucifer x reader: If (pt.2)

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Your heartbeat was the only thing you heard as you placed your hand on the door that led to the inside of the House of Lamentation. Taking a deep breath and exhaling the best you could you opened the door and made your way in, looking around you were surprised to see the living room area empty. "Huh, normally someone's in here. Could it be they all took to their rooms ever since I've been gone?" Speaking to yourself you shut the door back as quietly as possible so as not to disturb anyone. Making your way to Lucifers' study room you heard one of the brothers' doors shut only for loud footsteps to follow accompanied by loud banging. "Damn it Mammon would you quit stealing MY YURI-CHAN COLLECTIABLES?!" Knowing the owner of said voice belonged to Levi you shook your head and kept making your way to the study room. Finally reaching the door to the study room you once again felt your heartbeat ringing loudly in your ears, taking a deep breath you placed your hand on the doorknob and made your way in. Upon hearing the door open from somewhere in the room you were greeted with "Damn it Beel I told you already, I'm fine now GET OUT!" You only made your way closer to the source of the voice as you spoke, "That might've worked if I was Beel but I'm afraid I don't see the comparison." The second your voice reached Lucifers' ears he shot up from his desk where his head was once laid, his sleep deprived eyes meeting yours. "Y-Y/n you're here?" You gave him a nod as he stood and made his way over to you with each step just as wobbly as the last. "Lucifer? A-Are you alright?" Seeing him wobble his way to you made you worry; however, he just waved your concern to the side, "I'm alright j-just a little sleepless is all." By this time, he was in front of you with one hand leaned on a wall for support, giving you the time to notice just how bad off Diavolo mentioned he was. Lucifer's once brushed and untangled hair was now messy, and full of tangles with the ends heavily drenched in what you assumed was drool, and his heavily tired eyes with bags underneath from which you assumed was from his lack of sleep. "Lord Diavolo said you weren't doing too well I didn't know how unwell he meant." Placing your hand on Lucifer's cheek he spoke lightly, "You came because he wanted you to?" Shaking your head, you noticed he was starting to lose his balance, so you kept what you said brief, "I came for you, I love you, and I'm never leaving you again." He gave you a small smile as he couldn't keep his eyes open any longer and before you knew it the two of you were in the floor with him sleeping soundly over you and as he was snoring you swore you heard him say he loved you too.

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