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y/n's pov:
i wake up to chris shaking me. i open my eyes and wake up confused.

chris: "y/n wake the fuck up."

y/n: "what the fuck do you want chris?" i say, rubbing my eyes.

chris: "wake up." he says while giggling.

y/n: "i'm awake now stupid." i say, silently laughing.

i get up and notice that matt is still asleep. nick is in the kitchen. i got up, trying my best not to wake up matt. as i get up, i felt matt move and i thought i woke him up. i turn around and noticed he was still asleep. thank god. i eventually walk away from the couch and go into the kitchen with nick. i noticed he was making waffles.

nick: "chris where did we put the waffle maker?" he said, looking at chris.

chris: "i don't fucking know. you and matt were unpacking everything."

and then all of the sudden, nick yells matt's name, waking him up.

matt: "what the fuck do you want?!" he yells back.

nick: "where the fuck did you put the waffle maker?"

matt: "in the pantry you stupid bitch." he said, annoyed.

me and chris start dying laughing. nick storms to the pantry and grabs the waffle maker. which only made me and chris laugh even more.

matt: "stop fucking stomping like a 5 year old."

nick: "matt shut the fuck up and take your dumbass back to sleep."

me and chris are still laughing our asses off. matt goes into his room. nick starts laughing. nick plugs in the waffle maker and waits for it to heat up. when it gets hot enough, he begins to pour the waffle mix into the waffle maker. then, all of the sudden, matt jumps from behind the wall, scaring nick. nick jumps and spills the batter all over the floor.

nick: "really matt? you are a fucking idiot." he says as he punched matt on his shoulder.

matt: "that's what you get for waking me up." he said as he pushed nick back.

chris takes the bowl of batter before the rest of it gets all over the place. meanwhile, me and chris are dying laughing.

nick: "matt, i hope you know you are cleaning this shit up." he yelled.

matt: "okay fine because i lowkey feel bad" he said laughing.

after matt got done cleaning everything, all of us just decided to go get mcdonald's. considering it was already 12pm. all of us get in the car and of course, chris gets the aux.

nick: "chris no, you always get the damn aux." he said, trying to grab it from chris.

chris: "nick you got aux when we went to go pick up y/n. sit your ass down." he said as he plugs the aux into his phone and starts playing music.

nick: "i fucking hate you." he said, annoyed.

matt: "aye! nick chill the fuck out. you can get it on the way back." he said as he looked at chris.

chris: "fine. nick you can get it on the way back. only because i'm sick of hearing your ass complain" he said while laughing.

as we get back from mcdonald's, as promised, chris gives the aux to nick. nick looks at me.

nick: "y/n, what song should i play?" he said, handing me his phone.

i took his phone and begin to type "lip gloss by lil mama" on his spotify. i pressed the song. when it started playing, all of us started singing. especially chris. we jammed out all the way back to their house. when we get back, nick gets a text. as soon as he's done reading the text, he looks at me with excitement.

nick: "y/n, jess is having a party. we need to go!" he says.

y/n: "ugh nick you know how much i hate parties."

nick: "please! i will help you pick out a dress."

y/n: "oh my god, fine. only because i love you." i say as i look to the stairs as i see chris run down.

chris: "did i hear someone is having a party?" he says while looking at nick.

matt: "no chris. you aren't going. do you remember the last time we agreed to take you to a party?" he said.

chris: "okay matt that was one time. i didn't mean to take so much shots." he said, rolling his eyes.

matt: "sure you didn't. i was trying to get you out of the car and you decided to fucking throw up on me." he said while laughing.

chris: "okay listen. i didn't mean to." he said, laughing.

nick: "oh my god matt just let him go. me and y/n will make sure he doesn't drink too much."

matt: "fine." he said as he sat back on the couch.



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