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it was chris. he looked into my eyes and said:

chris: "y/n i just want you to know that whenever you're ready to tell nick about how we feel about each other, i want to be there with you. it's better if we both tell him our sides of the story."

i was about to say something when i heard matt yell for me and chris. we both walked out of the door and closed it behind us. chris sat in the passenger seat and i sat in the back with nick. matt started up the car and while he was backing out of the driveway, i felt my phone vibrate. i looked at my phone and noticed it was a text from nick.

text messages:
nick sturniolo

y/n what's going on?


what's going on with you and chris.

nick it's nothing. he was just telling me that he was shocked seeing everything that went down with matt and jess and he asked me what you told me


idk. we all know chris is curious.

true lmao

and then all of the sudden i get a text from my mom.

text messages:
birth giver

y/n where the hell are you!!

i'm with with the triplets. why what's wrong?

where the hell where you last night?

i should've told you but i went to this party with the triplets. i'm sorry mom.

where are you going now?

i'm gonna go film a youtube video with the triplets. mom what's wrong? you never ask these many questions.

honey, your dad is back in town.


i covered my mouth in shock. my dad was barely around when i was a kid. he mostly wanted to do drugs and drink. sometimes he would come over and see me but that was it. a couple of years ago though, he disappeared. nick looked over and saw my face. i swear i was about to cry.

nick: "y/n what's wrong?"

y/n: "nothing." i say with sadness in my voice. nick noticed.

nick: "no y/n tell me. what's wrong?"

i couldn't speak. it felt like my throat was tightening up and all i could do was cry. nick hugged me and told matt to park the car. chris turned around and put his hand on my arm. matt pulled into this parking lot and put the car in park.

y/n: "i'm sorry guys i didn't want to ruin the night at all. my mom just.." i said. i couldn't finish the sentence. almost saying it made me want to cry even harder.

nick: "you're okay y/n i promise. you didn't do anything wrong at all."

chris took his seatbelt off and got out of the car. he opened the door to the backseat and climbed in. he gave me a hug. i felt so safe in his arms. i felt like i could stay like this forever.

chris: "you don't have to tell us if you don't want to. just tell us when you are ready."

i took a deep breath.

y/ n: "my dad is back.." i said. squeezing my eyes shut, hoping that i wouldn't cry.

i pulled back from chris and sat there. nick on my left and chris on my right. i looked at them both and couldn't help it. the triplets knew everything that happened with my dad. especially nick. i would tell him everything that happened. text messages from my dad. my dad texting my mom about trying to take me away from her. my dad getting so drunk that he slapped my mom right in front of me. that night i called him and the triplets picked me up and took me to mcdonald's and we laughed for hours. that'll always be my favorite night. being away from the triplets for 4 years was the hardest 4 years of my life. i was so used to being with them all of the time throughout my childhood because all of us grew up together. my mom is best friends with their mom. ever since high school, they told each other that when they have kids, they had to be best friends like they are. growing up with them was amazing. we would always do some crazy shit together. chris was the craziest out of all of us. especially with matt. nick and i were kind of the quiet kids for awhile until i started growing up and trying to get out there a little more. i was mostly an introvert my whole life but up until i was about 14 i just decided that i wanted to get out there and make some friends. a couple of months after that, me and my mom had to move away because of my dad. he wouldn't leave my mom alone. it got to the point where my mom had to call the cops on my dad because he kept threatening my mom, saying that he was going to take me away from her and that she wouldn't see me again. my mom was tired of it and she changed her number and we moved. luckily, i was able to talk to the triplets everyday when i was gone. one day, my mom came into my room and told me to pack. i was confused and i asked her why and all she could tell me was that it was a surprise. that night she told me that we were moving back. i was so happy. she told me not to tell the triplets because she wanted to surprise them and their mom. we packed up everything and we knew that the triplets were going to be at their parents house considering it was near christmas. when we arrived, i was so scared to go knock on their door. it felt weird. i was gone for so long and i felt like seeing the triplets was going to be an awkward experience. but boy was i totally wrong. i knocked on the door and matt answered it. he looked so shocked to see me.

matt: "oh my fucking god." he said, almost tears in his eyes. he gave me the biggest hug.

chris: "who's at the door?"

when he saw me and my mom, i swear it looked like he was a deer in headlights.

chris: "nick!" he yelled

nick: "yeah?"

when nick saw me, all he did was stand there with a shocked look on his face. i walk inside the house and i couldn't even take two more steps until the three of them all hugged me. i needed this. this was my safe place.



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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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