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y/n's pov:
i wake up in chris's bed. i'm so confused. i get up and i hear matt and chris talking in the living room. i slowly walk up the stairs, trying to listen to their conversation.

matt: "chris, you know if you keep this from nick, he's just only going to get more mad."

chris: "yeah i know but at the same time i don't want him to murder me."

matt: "he won't if he knows that you're happy with
y/n. you just have to talk to him, and y/n. i cant believe you haven't told her you like her."

chris: "i wanna tell her but.." matt cuts him off.

matt: "well actually i may or may not have told her already.."

chris: "matt what the fuck. i told you that i would tell her myself."

nick: "tell who what?"

chris & matt: "oh nothing."

nick: "okay.."

i decide to just walk into the kitchen. nick sees me.

nick: "oh my god. thank fuck you're awake." he says while coming up to me.

y/n: "how the fuck did i even end up in chris's bed?"

matt: "you fell asleep in the van and chris picked you
up and put you in his room."

y/n: "makes sense."

nick takes my hand and takes me into his room to get ready for the party. i start on my makeup. and then after i'm done with my makeup then, i start doing my hair.

nick: "y/n, could you do my hair?"

y/n: "of course i can"

nick: "please don't burn me." he said while the both of us laughed.

like an hour later, me and nick are ready. both of us walk down the stairs. i saw chris and matt were also ready.

matt: "y/n, you wanna drive?" he says, handing the keys to me.

y/n: "sure." i say, taking the keys from matt.

chris: "she's gonna crash the van." he says giggling.

y/n: "actually i drove the van when me, nick and matt went to the mall and i think i did a good job."

matt: "yeah she actually did pretty good even though i was scared as fuck." he said laughing.

we all laughed. we all went outside and got into the van. this time, chris sat in the passenger seat and nick and matt sat in the back. i was on aux this time. which i was surprised about because chris always likes taking the aux. i begin to play music. we all started jamming out. all of the sudden, i felt a hand on my thigh. i look at chris, chris is looking at me, smiling. i smiled back. nick was distracted by the music. i didn't want nick to find out about us yet. not like this. i focused on the road again. chris takes his hand off my thigh because he could tell something was off about my face. i was just trying forget about what the fuck just happened.

eventually, we all arrive. we all get out of the car and begin to walk up to jess's house. all i could see were so much lights and a lot of people.

y/n: "damn nick. how many people are here?"

nick: "basically all of the seniors who graduated last year and a couple of other people from different schools."

y/n: "oh god.."

when we walk into the house, immediately chris and matt wanted to go dance. then, jess came up to me and nick.

jess: "hey guys" she said with excitement.

y/n: "hey jess, how have you been?"

jess: "i've been good."

nick doesn't say anything. he's never really liked jess because of what she did to nick.

jess: "so how has matt been..."  nick cuts her off.

nick: "he's doing fine. are you trying to be friends with me so you can try and get with matt again?"

jess doesn't say anything. nick grabs my hand and takes me to where matt and chris were. we all danced together. then i decided to grab some drinks.

chris: "y/n, grab me one."

matt: "no chris."

chris: "just one at least?"

matt: "fine" he says, rolling his eyes.

i grabbed three drinks, two for me and one for chris. i gave chris his drink. and i decided to drink both of mine. i haven't drank since last year. so i'm hoping i don't get too drunk.

after the party, matt drove us back considering he didn't drink at all. i could tell i was definitely tipsy. matt parked the van and we all get out. when i got in the house, i placed my body on the couch. then i heard chris yell.

chris: "y/n, get your ass up"

y/n: "chris shut up."

chris: "woww, so you're gonna be like that huh?"

at this point, matt & nick went into their rooms to go to sleep. it was just me and chris in the living room.

 it was just me and chris in the living room

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