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Cyborg called out to Barry. "Barry! Last chance..."
"Just do it, Cyborg. I'm ready."
Cyborg nodded to Batman.
And Cyborg flipped a switch, tapped at the keyboard one last time, and pulled on a large lever.
In a matter of milliseconds, the generator began to run louder and louder, the cables began to spark and glow red hot, and Barry's entire body clenched up, his muscles and heart accelerated as the electrical circuits passed through every cell of his body.
In fact, the energy was so powerful Barry became a flash of white. But, his yells were drowned out by the electrical power. They waited for something else to happen but the computer program calculated that if anything was meant to happen, it would happen in milliseconds and, at the peak, it was already done. The power was cut off and all that was left was a smoky charred body strapped to a chair.
Batman and Cyborg both imagined the worst. The monitors read that his heartbeat was slow. Batman rushed to him and made a pained look at his body. It was covered in scars and burned flesh. Barry, breathing sharp, gasping. He began taking the straps off but Barry gripped his arm and shuddered, "No!"
Batman relented, "You've got 2nd degree burns all over your body! You'll die!"
Barry groaned. "I'll make it."
Cyborg heard everything and shouted back, "I can run it again in a few seconds. Batman," he paused, "you need to step back."
Batman stomped back to safety but he grit his teeth and bit his tongue.
Cyborg asked again out of courtesy, "You ready, Barry?"
Barry yelled back, "DO IT!"
And Cyborg flipped the switch again. The cables smoked and a flash of white light and sparks flew across the seat, the smell of electrical burns were becoming overwhelming. The lights flickered for a moment when the peak was reached and then powered down again. Batman rushed over to the seat and saw Barry face down in the dirt. Smoky, blackened, and on the edge of death. Batman said, "Enough! You're dying, Allen. We can't do this anymore, Cyborg." He stared, Barry's twitching body and shallow breathing. "This is just...tourture."
Everything burned. His bones burned, but he could feel it within him: the Speed Force was beating inside his very soul. Even though his body was charred, blistering and cracking, he pulled himself up on the chair again.
He would die.
Or, he would become the one thing he knew he once was.
He opened his eyes, blinked once at Batman as he sat upright and stared forward.
Cyborg called out, "He's still got a beat, Batman. We have one last chance."
Batman, still defending Allen, said, "NO! I'm shutting this down now."
Cyborg reasoned, "He should've died 10,000 volts ago, Batman. He isn't normal. No more excuses." He held his finger above the button and said, "Stand back."
Batman sighed, his stomach churned and didn't want to see Barry anymore. "One more chance."
"I've gotten a million second chances." Barry thought to himself.
And then with a flip of a switch, his world turned white.
When his eyes opened, he saw the world vibrate, the light coming into his eyes in waves. He blinked and saw Cyborg and Batman frozen. He raised a finger and a bolt of plasma shot across his hand like a cloud.
His heart wasn't beating.
Or perhaps it was beating too fast for a normal person.
His breathing was normal and his movements were sluggish. Only when he stood up did he realize that the shock he was receiving was allowing him to see into the Speed Force. The tree and branches of the electric bolt flickered all around him as he stood upright and the bolts licked the chair's metal parts. It was glowing white hot and the cables were smoking.
It had been so long, he had almost forgotten what it was like.
Once the machine powered down, he was in full control.

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