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In the long winding corridors of the most secure building in the United States, stood the Metahuman Flash, moving too fast for the naked eye attempting to enter restricted area after restricted area. Once the plug was inserted into the keyboard, he ran into an issue: He had to wait.
Waiting while stuck in the speed force where seconds can be drawn out to minutes was not ideal. But the signal had to reach Cyborg and then Cyborg had to respond and only then the door would open.
The longer he stayed in the Speedforce, the more his mind was flooded with the thoughts and memories of another version of himself. The original Flash of this Earth had a mother and was happy. He knew he didn't belong here. Barry Allen, this Barry Allen, the one here, now, buried his mother after the freakish storm all those years ago. But, it made no sense. How could he have both minds in the same body? Is this the true power of the Speedforce? The ability to see into new Earths, and new Flash's? It was like witnessing multiple pools of memory while being able to feel the emotions. Being in two places at once. Minds melding and bodies all exerting the powerful energy to become like one.
Somehow, he felt a different memory. One that didn't belong to him. One that didn't feel like Flash. It felt different. Dark. Cold. It was a view of himself grabbing a hold of a mirror version of himself. Except it was gripping his throat, vapid eyes and smiling mouth as a black dying Flash ran closely behind him. The cold chill of death stared back at him, red pinprick eyes and yellow smile.
Who was this Flash?
Was he even...Flash?
Too scared to think anymore of the subject he stared at the slow moving door.
As soon as Flash saw he could enter the gap he did. In the room now, there was a pale bed and table and chair but no one else.
Flash looked around closer and could hear someone whimpering. When he looked under the bed the young man kicked and crawled away into a corner, scared.
"Don't touch me!"
The longer he stared the more he didn't recognize who this was.
The suit he wore had a large K etched across the body that embraced his ribs. He had oily black hair, thin stubble and his frame was needle like, shaking from the cold and fearful.
"Leave...leave me alone."
Flash said gently, "I'm not gonna hurt you. I want to help."
'Clark' began rubbing his eyes. The lights bothered him and his blue eyes pierced the dark red lit room. "I don't even know you."
Flash said, "I know you don't but I need your help."
"No. Leave me alone."
"Look, I know how it feels."
"No, you don't."
"I promise, this will all work out in the end. Just trust me." Flash held out his hand.
K stood still and examined his odd outfit and looked like he was about to speak but his eyes widened when he saw the man behind him.
Flash heard the click of the gun first. He turned in supersonic speed and saw the bullet leave the chamber of the large black gun of a SWAT member. With no other options, he grabbed K, and cradled him until they left the facility, dodging bullets and death, in a blink of an eye.
As soon as he stopped, K fell down and vomited.
His now even paler physique was shunned by Batman who asked, "This? This is your Superman?"
Flash wanted to speak but Cyborg shouted, "What did you do, Barry? They're going insane in there!"
Flash said to K, "I'm really sorry about all this but I need you to snap out of this, Clark."
K was curling into a fetal position on the floor. Rocking himself and covering his eyes and ears.
"Just leave me alone. I don't want to help. I don't know you. I don't want to be here. Leave me alone."
"Boy is going into shock, Allen. That isn't going to help! Damn! More troopers." Batman loaded his gun again angrily. "Please tell me you have a plan C."
K was rubbing his eyes furiously and dry heaving out of fear.
"I thought..."
Gunshots. Flash ran around avoiding the gunfire.
Cyborg was disconnected forcefully and Batman was being pinned down.

K started whimpering. He could hear everything. He closed his eyes and could see through them. Why did his eyes hurt so much? His face grew hotter. He could hear the radios saying, "Subject is in tow. Casualties are low."
The moment the men in heavy armor grabbed him, K opened his eyes and large beams of pure bright red energy shot out and vaporized the men alive.
The world stopped and stared.
The fountain of pure heat exploded across the earth and its source was Project K.
After what seemed like an hour or more, but was in all reality a few seconds, K fell to the ground again, covering his steaming eyes. Flash, Cyborg and Batman were about to be executed when the entire squadron locked in onto the new threat.
The men shouted orders.
But K wouldn't respond.
K slowly stood up and raised his scrawny arms weakly. Flash shook his head. He was so close. "I know it's in him. Just like it was in me," he thought. But as K walked with the men with armed guns K felt a strange weightlessness. As Flash tried to disarm them, he saw him rise slowly. The men argued again, commanding him to come back down or they would use lethal force. Flash pushed them back with his amazing speed and called out, "Clark! Get out of here!"
K didn't respond. He began to tremble and shake again. "I can't control it!" He begged them while he floated, "Help me! I can't get down!"
The men pointed their guns at the floating man wondering when to shoot.
"That's not my name," he shouted back.
Flash shouted after he knocked one more out, "KAL! That's your real name! Now get out of here!"
But his voice was cut out by gunfire and the sound of a sonic boom.
A greyish streak disappeared across the sky. The small army examined the area and found mushroomed bullets. Like the bullets were hitting steel.
And again the world stopped.

Flash sighed. "I hope you know what to do next."

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