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He ran like never before. Lightning and sonic booms surround him. The light dimming and bending around him, the buildings and people turning to blurs and mottled colors. Barry Allen felt alive and dead or a mix in between as he sprinted through time and space. What was once oppressive and unknown felt comfortable and malleable in this state of the Speedforce. He wanted to study it, experiment, and try to understand if he could visit other Earths, but he has to return.
Return to his Earth.
To save a friend.

One foot in front of the other. Just a million times faster than the human eye can see.
The Flash was running towards the bullet and thought of hundreds of ways to stop it and none of them would work.

Just then as The Flash began to reach unprecedented speeds never before seen he caught a glimpse of a second Flash appearing in a warped space on the other side of the road.

Flash caught a glimpse of himself running across the Earth and into the Speedforce, smiled to himself and ran towards the robot shooting the kryptonite bullet.
This time, however, it began to travel backwards as he approached it. In slow motion, and with grace he saw the bullet enter the barrel as the controller explosion reversed into the weapon. And all it took was a push of a finger.
The barrel now aimed slightly to the left of Superman.
Flash relaxed all his muscles and saw time now reach its original speed.
It all took place in less than a second.
Maybe even negative seconds?
Superman tossed the car he was carrying as he heard the bullet leave the gun immediately, and ran across grabbing and crushing the android in his palm.
Flash was doubled over, catching his breath hands on his knees.
Superman asked, "What's the matter? Running around too much?" And he sped off before hearing an answer.
Flash could only chuckle as he gasped.
"Something like that."
Once the battle was done, Flash was noticeably aching. Too much running around, he thought. He dug his hand in his pocket and clutched a crisp envelope.
But he still had one last stop to make.

"So, you overexerted yourself to the point you shattered the time space continuum and entered a world where not even you, the Justice League or a world where metahumans can coexist with the average citizen?" Batman paused. "Are you sure it wasn't just a hallucination?"
"How else can you explain the new suit, bruises and—"
"Barry, I was joking."
He sighed. "That's not all Bruce. While I was on the other Earth I could remember memories that aren't mine. And now that I'm back I can still feel it sometimes. But I know it's not the real me, you know? My mother passed away a long time ago. It feels...wrong."
Batman turns around and continues working on his belt. "A remnant of the other Flash? Consider it a gift."
A gift?
Flash wordlessly placed the envelope on the desk. Batman read the title and said, "Barry, this is my fathers handwriting."
Flash knew this required his full concentration and stayed quiet. When Batman opened the letter and read it silently, tears started to form in Bruce's eyes.
"I don't know what to say."
"It's a gift. A remnant of another Batman."
"You are a hell of a messenger, Barry."


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