Chapter One - Hoseok

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    You glance up after hearing the bell ring, signaling someone came into the cafe. A boy with dark hair and a bright smile walks in.

    "Hello! What can I get for you today?" you greet.

    "Could I get a caramel macchiato?" He asks.

    "Yep! Will that be for here or to go?"

    "To go, please." He responds.

    You begin to make his drink as he leans against the counter. Soon enough his drink is ready and you package it up, sliding it across the counter to him.

    "Thanks!" He takes a sip of it, "Hey, this is really good! I'll have to come here more often."

    "Thank you!" you respond, proud of your skills.

    "Actually, I've been meaning to bring this up the whole time, but I run the flower shop right next door."

    "No way!" You respond, genuinely surprised. You guess you had a blind spot for that shop, you never bothered to check it out.

    "I'm sorry I never came by! I guess I should introduce myself then. My name is Y/N"

    "Nice to meet you Y/N! I'm Hoseok."

    You two talked about running businesses, funny exchanges with customers, and the struggles of living on your own. Since it was a slower afternoon in the cafe, you welcomed the conversation.

    "So, do you run this place all by yourself?" He asked, tilting his head.

    "Yeah. I tried getting someone else working here once, but it didn't work out too well." you answer. He nods in response.

    "Do you run your shop by yourself?" You ask him.

    "Actually no!" He responds, "I run it with my friend Yoongi. We've known each other for years now, so we work pretty well together."

    "That's awesome!" You say, "It must be nice having a friend you've known for so long"

    There's a pause in the conversation while he seems stuck on what to say. You notice and add, "I'm just kind of introverted, is all. I had a best friend I was really close with in elementary school!"

    "What happened to them?"

    "We drifted apart in middle school. Once we went into high school, she moved away."

    "I'm sorry to hear that..," He says.

    "We weren't really into the same things anymore. I was busy with my writing, she was caught up with other things. We'd only call every few months and when we did, we'd have nothing to talk about."

    "I see" He said before taking a sip of his drink.

    "I'm sorry for rambling on so much! We don't need to have a pity party, that was years ago. I'd be glad to have new friends though. Maybe you can be one?" You trail off, a little embarrassed at your directness.

    "Of course! Let me give you my number."
    You pull out your phone and he types in his number. He sends a quick text to himself before grabbing his own phone to save the contact.

    "You said you were a writer?" He asks.

    You nod in response. "I have been since I was young, but as I got older I became consumed in my fictional worlds. I'd always be drafting new plots or naming new characters. Sometimes I'd even draw my own characters, though I'm not much of an artist" You laugh.

    "That's so cool! I'd love to read your work sometime!"

    "Yeah! That'd be nice" You respond.

    "Alright. I better get back to the shop, but I'll talk to you again soon, 'kay? Maybe next time I can bring Yoongi along."

    "Sure! Enjoy your drink" You smile.

    He leaves the shop and you sigh to yourself, delving into your thoughts. That was so much fun, I haven't had a conversation like that in forever. Maybe it'll be nice having a new friend to talk to.

You pull out your phone and check your recent messages. His name had been saved as 'Hoseok :)'. You laugh to yourself. "His positive vibe sure is contagious."

Coffee and Violets ~ Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now