Chapter Five - Not Quite a Date

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"No, no this won't work either."

You're currently at your apartment going through every article of clothing you own. Hoseok never told you what you should wear to this not quite a date.

It's a fancy restaurant, sure, but it's also just a meeting between two friends. You guys are just going to be talking about music, so you should stay casual, right? And if you dress too formally and he doesn't, then it'll be embarrassing and show that you were in fact greatly looking forward to this.

You decide on a simple black dress that goes to your knees. It's sleeveless, but you figure you'll only be gone for about an hour. The meeting will be over before the sun even starts to set, so you won't need to bring a jacket.

The restaurant isn't far from your apartment so you decide to walk. Arriving at the building, you're astounded by the atmosphere. Tall and wide windows peer into the room and gloss over the tables. You leave the comfort of the awning and stroll into the restaurant. A thick red doormat covers the entryway and warm, moody lighting fills the room.

"Hello Ma'am. Have you made a reservation?"

"Umm.... I'm here to meet someone?" You say with apprehension in your tone.

"Ah. What is the party name?"

Shoot. Hoseok never told me what to say! "Well, I'm here to meet someone named Yoongi.... I think?"

"That'll be right this way."

You follow him through the busy restaurant and begin to feel self conscious. Everyone here is decked out in expensive jewelry, velvety outfits and hair that must have been professionally styled. You don't fit in at all, with your hair lightly brushed and only some makeup on.

Your feelings only get worse when you find yourself at his table. He's wearing what almost looks to be a suit. he looks stunning, and for a minute you can almost imagine that this really is a date, before looking down at your attire and being reminded of the harsh reality.

"Ah, this is a bit embarrassing." You say as you sit down, "You look so nice and I'm here in what could be considered a nightgown. Ah- not to say you look nice, er,. you do look nice but I mean-"

He interrupts with his soft laughing, "Thank you, but to be honest? These are actually just my pajamas."

What kind of a person owns pajamas like that? You think to yourself. An awkward silence forms between the two of you. Finally, he breaks the silence.

"So, how was your day?" He asks you.

"It was good, and you?" You ask, desperately avoiding eye contact.

"It was pretty stressful all day, but it's better now." You can't help but look up, only to be met by his intoxicating brown eyes. Was that... a flirt? It couldn't be, he's just talking about how he's happy to be done with work for the weekend.

Despite your own awkwardness, Yoongi was able to continue the conversation smoothly. Your guys' laughter died down as you stared off onto the empty plates and glasses on the table.

"So, Hoseok told me you needed help with music?" Yoongi asked.

"Ah, yeah. I wanted to find some new music for my cafe."

"Do you have any specific genre in mind?"

"Well, the cafes I usually go to have jazz music playing. However I'm quite fond of piano music... I guess it's kind of close to me since my mom always played the piano when I was a kid."

"I play piano" he says and smiles gently.

"Really? It's such a pretty instrument. I'd love to hear you play sometime"

He rolls up his sleeve to check the time on his watch.

"Hm... it's only 5:00 pm, do you want to come over to my apartment to hear me play? Like- I can play a few styles to give you a better idea of what you're looking for..."

"Okay! Ah but first-" You try to ask him if he wants to split the bill only to see him walking over and paying for it himself. Taking Hoseok's advice, you stand idly behind Yoongi and try to just have a good time.

You two walk out of the restaurant together. The sky is painted in scarlet and orange. The walk together was silent, from the beginning to the entryway to his apartment.

When you come inside, he leads you to the main room with a brown piano at the center of it. He sits down and begins to play. Soft notes envelop the silence, swinging in a way unique to the jazz style.

When the song ends, you clap profusely and smile.

"That was amazing! How long have you been playing for?"

"Thank you, I've been playing since I was fairly young." He responds, turning away to hide his face. "Would you um... like to sit down?" He clears room on the piano bench for you to sit.

He plays a few more songs and you sway along to the rhythm. You close your eyes and sink into the comfort of his playing. After a while of discussing, you guys decided that he would record a few performances for you to play at the cafe. He also suggested making a playlist of similar music for you. You agreed.

"I might even be able to perform at the cafe eventually. If you want!- that is." He says.

"That would be wonderful, Yoongi." You smile.

You check your phone to find it 8:00pm. Shoot, did you really just spend three hours here talking about music?

"Oh it's late, I really should get going. Thank you for today. I had a great time, you were a lot of help." You turn to open the door and leave when a hand grabs your wrist.

"I can uh, walk you home."

"No no! Don't worry about it, you've already done so much."

"It's fine, I enjoy walks at nighttime. I usually don't sleep until late anyways. Plus, I'd worry if you- Hoseok would hate me if I let you walk home in the dark." A blush spreads through his face as he tries to cover up how much he cares about you. You feel a warmth on your face as well.

Walking home you feel chills run down your arms. You'd worn a sleeveless dress this evening, not thinking you'd end up staying so long. A warmth envelops you and you welcome it, until you realize. Yoongi gently draped his jacket over your shoulders. He stays quiet. You blush and turn around to look at him. Despite the low lighting, you can still see him. Though he tries not to show it, he looks incredibly flustered. Even more than you.

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