Chapter Seven - Yeongsun

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(WARNING: A bit of angst.. not too bad but uh yeah you can skip that part! I'll write where it starts :])

(Your POV)

You curl up on the couch as tears spill from your eyes. I can't get anything right.

You closed the shop early today. There's no point in making coffee if it'll only taste cold. Rain patters against the window and you can't help but think it's the only one that cares. 

A knock on the door interrupts your thoughts. You slowly open it.

"Hey Y/N!"

"Yeongsun? Why do you know where I live?"

"Your mom told me. She actually wanted me to drop this off," He holds up a bag with containers of food in it, "she wanted to give it to you herself, but she has been so busy."

"Ah. I missed mom's food." You take the bag from your old neighbor.

"So, how's it goin'? Living on your own."

You shrug, "Fine. I assume you still live next door to my old house?"

"Yep!" He chirps, "you look like you've been crying though. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, just... lonely."

He thinks for a moment, "Well, it's late out now. What do you think of having lunch together tomorrow?"

You smile at his happy energy.

"That sounds good."

And that leads you to now. He took you out to eat for lunch. As sweet as he was, he kept slipping flirts into the conversation. He was a good guy, your mom certainly wanted you to date him, but you weren't interested. 

But then again, what are you waiting for? Who are you waiting for?

I don't think he's coming.

"C'mon Y/N! Let's go into the flower shop! I'll buy you something pretty" he smiles.

"Huh?" You snap out of your daze, "Wait.. wait NO!"

(Yoongi POV)

"I'm sorry, Yoongs" Hoseok says. 

"And her cafe is closed again today. She probably thinks I'm dating Minsoo or something, and I can't even tell her I'm not."

"I'm sure she'll be back soon enough." He comforts, "Besides, if she closed early and is gone again today, that most likely means it did hurt her. Meaning she did like you back."

"Yeah... maybe you're-" I'm interrupted by the ringing of the bell.

A guy comes in, pulling a girl with him over to the daisies. Y/N.

"You really don't need to buy me anything, Yeongsun! Let's go somewhere else" She awkwardly urged him.

Jealousy burns into my skin. All this time I thought she was upset at me. She wasn't even thinking about me. She was off with this Yeongsun guy, and to be honest? How could I even be mad? He seems to love her. He seems to treat her better than I could.

"Of course I'm buying you something! But I have to say Y/N," He pauses and meets her eyes, "I can't find the flower I'm looking for."

"What flower are you looking for?" She stammered.

"One prettier than you."

My hands grip the counter, knuckles turning white. "There isn't one" I mouthed.

"What was that?" Yeongsun turned to me.


"Hmm," He picks up a bouquet of red roses, "This one is so pretty though. I love roses. What do you think?"

"It's pretty," She shrugged, "I've always loved more... unique flowers."

"What's the point in that? Roses are popular because they're pretty. And you deserve the best." He quipped. Her gaze flickers to me.

She gulps, "Yeah"


"That'll be $14.95!" Hoseok smiled.

"and can we get that packaged up?"

"Yeongsun, it's fine. We don't need to."

"No no! I think we should." He grinned.

"Yoongi? Can you go get this wrapped up for them?" He passes me an apologetic look. I take the bouquet to the back, wrapping it in the plastic sleeve and the tag.

I always write some sort of poetry on the tag, for situations like these? Usually something lovey-dovey. And that seems like what Yeongsun asked for.

Once it's finished, I pass the roses to him.

He turns the tag over, reading it, "Aw, You belong with me, that's perfect! You do belong with me, Y/N!"

"I uh, I don't-"

"Let's go! We have more places to go on our date!" Yeongsun cheers. He hands her the roses and rushes her out the door.

(Your POV) [If you don't like angst you can skip to the next chapter :D]

"Yeongsun! Yeongsun!" You call as he drags you through the crowds, "slow down!"

"What? We have so many more places to go!"

"No.. I don't want to." You sighed.

"Why? Don't tell me it was because of that guy back there," He groans, "He was totally eying you"


"Yeah, was that what his name was? You shouldn't talk to people like him. He seems like trouble." 

He grabs your hand again and continues to lead you away from the flower store. Again, you force him to stop.

"Yeongsun, what is this all about? Why do you keep taking me places, or telling people we're on a date?"

He turns to you, "Isn't that what this is? You agreed to this."

"I agreed to hang out with you," you stumble back, "that didn't mean I wanted to go on a date with you. I don't like you that way, Yeongsun" 

"C'mon Y/N, you don't have to pretend. I've heard what your mom tells me. You don't have a boyfriend, you hardly have friends, you spend all your time trapped up in that dumb cafe or writing your book. You keep living through old memories of your childhood, of us."

"I,.. what..." you murmur, "you thought that way?"

"We can all see it. You're afraid to try anything new because you don't want to see it fail," He brings a hand to your chin and forces your eyes to meet his, "I've loved you for a long time, Y/N. I know you love me too. Stop pretending"

"No I don't Yeongsun. Cut it out." You pull yourself away from him, stepping back a bit.

"You really don't like me?" He scoffs.

"No! I never did! I thought we were friends.."

"Oh..." He looks down, "W-We can still be friends, then?"

"I don't know. I don't... I don't think we can anymore" You drop the flowers and walk the opposite direction.

Coffee and Violets ~ Yoongi x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now