Chapter Ten - Golden

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The light flickers on, my head staying focused on my notebook in front of me.

"Are you still writing? You've been in here since 6:00 am" Hoseok gawks.

"What can I say," I laugh, "I've just found something interesting to write about"

"More like someone.." he teases. My smile just widens as he gasps, "you're not even going to hiss at me for teasing you? You must be down bad"

"Ugh, I don't know, Hoseok" I cover my face with the lyric book, "what if she doesn't feel the same way? And I'm just wasting my time?"

"Loving someone is never a waste of time, Yoongi"

I lift my head, "but what if I just end up hurt?"

"You might. And if you do, you know I'll be here to help you pick up the pieces. But you might not, you might take a chance on something great and find yourself better than you've ever been. You have to love her enough to take the risk," he rests his hand on my back, "and you have to love yourself enough to know you deserve it"

I sit up, "you're right. Thanks Hobi, I needed that"

He pulls me into a hug. I groan.

"I said I needed the advice, not a hug"

"You looked like you needed a hug," he laughs, "now go finish your love song"

I chuckle and continue writing. It all comes to me so easily, stanzas pouring from my pen like waterfalls as my feelings spill from my heart onto the page.

I'd say I lost track of time, but time must've lost track of me. I found myself wandering into a whole other world while dreaming about her. Just the image of her in my mind was enough to make me completely lose my mind.

Golden hour drew shadows of monstera on the wall as I breathed in the fading light. I close my eyes, imagining the warmth of her hand in mine. Trying to picture us together, my heart pounding at the thought. As I sat there, my eyes began to flutter closed.





A warm hand shook my shoulder, "Yoongi, it's me, Y/N,"

I bolted upright, immediately taking notice of the lyrics sprawled out in front of me and stealing my notebook from the desk.

"Hey, just brought you some coffee"

I gasp for breath. She's standing way closer than she ever has before, and her hand is still rested on my shoulder.

"What's in the notebook?" She asked.

"Um, nothing" I sank into my seat.

She giggled, "okay. You don't have to tell me, but now I'm very curious"

"It's, it's uh," I stuttered, "my joke drafts"

She burst out laughing, "joke drafts?"

I grinned, "yeah. I like to write them down first to see if they're funny or not"

"Can I hear one?"

"I kinda feel like I am one right now," I replied.


The afternoon together faded with the golden light, and soon it was just the two of us and a sky of stars. It was dark, but neither of us reached to turn on the too-bright fluorescent lights. Words stretch into the depths of the night. I take a sip of my americano, the cold of the ice now a faint memory. Driven by our caffeine delusions, the night marched on. Time has forgotten us in this patch of the universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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