Chapter Two - Yoongi

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(Yoongi POV)
Hoseok comes running into the flower shop, a bright smile plastered all over his face.

"I'm guessing it went well?" I say.

"It was great! She was amazing-, You have to talk to her!!"

"I'm glad you have a new friend, but don't drag me into this."

"I'm serious Yoongi! You'd really like her! Besides, she told me she was into writing! Didn't you say just a few days ago that you need help on the writing for your songs? You should talk to her! She writes stories but I'm sure she could help with lyrics too!" Hoseok beamed.

"Okay. Maybe tomorrow." I agreed.

"Yes! Let's go first thing tomorrow! I'll text her right-"

"No! Don't text her, I said maybe!"


"Are you ready to go?" Hoseok asks excitedly.

"We're just going next door. It's not a big deal.." I say, butterflies building in my stomach.

We open the door to the cafe and go inside. Walking up to the counter, every step weighs me down. What if she doesn't like me? What if I say the wrong thing and make a fool of myself? What if-

"Hey it's you again!" She greets Hoseok, "Is this the friend you run the flower shop with?"

"Yeah!" Hoseok turns to me and motions to introduce myself.

"Ah-uh.., I'm Yoongi, and you are?" I ask.

"I'm Y/N! It's nice to meet you, Yoongi." Y/N says.

My name sounds sweet as sugar against her tongue. She looks like she's from a movie. I stare at her like she's just a screenshot. The light brushes through her hair and sparkles in her eyes. She looks pure, but like a thousand thoughts are swimming through her head. A thousand thoughts I'll never know. I pull myself away.

"Ah, shoot, I just remembered that technically our shop is still open and no one's there to watch it. I better get back, enjoy your conversation guys!" Hoseok blurted out before rushing out of the cafe, leaving me on my own.

I turn back to her and she smiles at me, "So, what inspired you to start a flower shop?" She asks.

"Ah, well, I guess it was kind of more Hoseok's thing. I did like the idea of incorporating new flowers into bouquets that you don't usually see. There are so many beautiful flowers and plants that just aren't given the same attention that some are. I think that maybe through this shop we can show people that."

"That's beautiful.." She whispered, "I wouldn't have expected that. That's really sweet."

She purses her lips and looks away, snapping me out of my fantasy. I turn and face the window, what can I ask her?

"Why did you start a cafe?"

She looks up to me and grins, "Actually, it's more just a side project. Or I can at least hope."

"Do you not like running the cafe?" I say.

"No, don't get me wrong, it's pleasant. I love the atmosphere, but it's not my dream." Her voice turns to a whisper as she ends her sentence.

(Y/N POV)   

From what you've heard-and that isn't much-this guy doesn't get out a lot. You feel like on some level, you can connect to him. Are you, too, hiding? Maybe he's right. This cafe isn't your dream.

"Sorry if that question was too personal.., You don't have to answer if you aren't comfortable" He begins, worry evident in his voice.

You respond, "It wasn't too personal a question. It was a good question. I'm still trying to think of an answer."

"Oh okay, take your time" He exhales.

"To be honest with you? When I was younger I wanted to be a writer. I already told that much to Hoseok. However, when I was in like, I don't know, 4th grade maybe? We had this project where we had to write a story. I had so much fun crafting my characters and adding new plot twists. I showed it to all my friends and we named characters after each other, it was a lot of fun."

He leans against the counter, "What happened?"

"When I got my story back, the teacher had covered it in red pen. Grammar mistakes, spelling errors, but mainly comments. She kept saying things about how the plot was 'unrealistic' and I needed to make my story simpler. Reading through my classmates' stories, they had a much better flow. I guess that's when I sort of lost my confidence."

He pauses for a moment, "...can I read some of your writing?"

"No, no.. it's really not good. I haven't even got anything published yet. You don't-"

"I want to read it." He states.

You sigh and head to the back room, grabbing a notebook from your bag. Opening up to a page, you say, "It's not edited or anything so it might be bad.., just stop reading if it's too terrible."

He doesn't listen, and instead scans over the page, reading your newest work. It's been so long since you've had anyone read your work, all you can do is stare at the ground in silent panic.

When he finishes the short story, he looks up at you with a bright smile, "What are you talking about? This is so good! It was really engaging and your characters are so unique. I want to read more of your work, in fact, if it's not too straightforward.., could I ask a favor of you?"

You freeze in shock, He... liked it? You begin to respond, "What is it?"

"Well, I've been working on some new music lately and could really use some help. Would you mind taking a look at it?" He asks.

You agree. He smiles, "Would you mind coming over tomorrow then?"

"Sure! I'll come."

"Ah, I guess I should give you my number then,.."

Author Note:
Hello everybody!! How are you today? I'm working on so many stories right now but please stick with me! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Also a very happy birthday to my bias, J-HOPE!!! 💕🐿️☀️

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