Chapter 12(EDITED)

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Regina's POV

It seemed like an eternity that I laid there, unmoving, in the hospital wing. I knew it really hadn't been, but that's what it felt like.

Seeing as I could still hear everything that was going on around me, I knew when Ron and Harry would visit Hermione, and when Draco would visit me. I was glad he did, although the second time he came he had a cow because I was next to Hermione.

"Its disgraceful! She's my sister, she shouldn't be next to that mudblood, its not right!" he'd said.

If I could've, I would've slapped him for calling Hermione that, but seeing as I couldn't even blink, moving my arm (or any other part of my body for that matter) at all was impossible.

I am glad that he visited though, it was nice knowing that someone cared about you.

When Madam Pomfrey gave me the potion to unpetrify me, I didn't feel any different at first. Then, I slowly started to regain feeling in my body, my vision unclouded, and sounds became clearer.

I could move!

I sat up and looked around, and saw Draco just walking into the hospital wing. He saw that I was un-petrified, and relief flooded his face as he raced over to me, engulfing me in a hug when he skidded to a stop. I hugged him back, grateful to be able to move again.

When he pulled back, I saw over his shoulder that Harry and Ron were standing in the entrance to the hospital wing. They stood there for a second, before rushing over to Hermione and engulfing her in a hug, much like Draco had with me.

I saw Draco's eyes flit over to the three of them, then back to me.

"Draco, what is it?" I asked.

"Why were you wandering the halls with Granger? You shouldn't be socializing with mudbloods," he said, scowling.

"She's the reason I'm alive. If she hadn't been with me, I would be dead," I explained, looking over and flashing her a grateful smile.

"And don't call her a mudblood! She may be muggle born, but she's the best witch in her year, and its skill that counts, not so-called blood purity."

Draco looked gobsmacked for a moment, before scowling one last time at the trio, and walking away.

"I'll be in the common room," he said as he was exiting the hospital wing.

I sighed, looking down and fiddling with the sheets on the bed I was in.

After a few moments of silence, Harry spoke.

"What did happen when you two were petrified?" he asked, looking between Hermione and I.

"We were looking for you two," Hermione said. They looked confused, so I elaborated.

"Hermione had figured out what was petrifying the students, and I suppose she was looking for all of us, but she happened to find me first. We were just leaving the library when I remembered that there was a Quidditch match, so we headed that way, but when we looked around the corner...well, I think you know what happened after that. If she hadn't had the mirror, we'd both be dead," I explained.


Finally the day to go home for the summer came, and everyone boarded the train. I sat in the compartment with Draco and Blaise. I don't know where Crabbe and Goyle were, as long as they weren't in here. Those two annoyed me to no end. I don't know how Draco puts up with them.

I'd gotten to know Blaise much better during the year, you know, before I got petrified, and we had become pretty good friends.

I'd had a tiny crush on him for a couple weeks, but it went away as quickly as it came, and now I only thought of him as a friend.

I fell asleep sometime during the long train ride, and woke up to Draco gently shaking my shoulder.

"Wake up Regina, we're here," he said, standing up. I followed and we exited the train and grabbed our trunks, before heading over towards our parents.

To my surprise, not only were Lucius and Narcissa waiting for us, but also my parents who raised me, Alan and Christine Rivers.

I hugged all four of them (Lucius was a bit tense, but oh well), then looked at them for an explanation. Narcissa spoke first.

"I invited them to stay with us for a while, so you can spend time with them and us. I'd also like to get to know the people who raised my daughter," she explained, a smile spread over her face. I smiled and nodded, and we flooed to the manor.

One of the house elves took our trunks and coats, and Draco and I went up to our rooms to get changed. I went to my wardrobe, expecting there to only be a few things in it, since I had taken the majority of my clothes to school, but when I opened it, it was full of clothes.

Wait, what? I've never even seen these clothes before. Just as I was about to call for a house elf, I heard a light knock on my bedroom door.

"Come in," I called. The door opened and Mother came in. (A/N: Mother = Narcissa, Mum = Christine. Just clearing that up)

"Hello Mother. Did you do this?" I questioned, gesturing towards the clothes in the wardrobe. She smiled and nodded.

"I got your measurements from the clothing that was already in there," she said.

"Well, thank you Mother. They're all amazing," I told her, looking at everything. It wasn't just clothes. She had bought shoes, jewelry, and other accessories as well.

"You're welcome Regina. I'll let you change," she said, leaving the room and closing the door.

I smiled, and rifled through the clothing, before picking out a short-sleeved pastel blue sundress with a white rose pattern on it, and a pair of white flats with a little bow on the front.

I was about to close the wardrobe when a flash of silver caught my eye. I looked closer and found that it was a white and silver rose pendant, on a silver chain. I picked it up and admired it for a moment, before slipping it over my head, letting it rest on my chest. I closed the wardrobe and quickly pulled my hair up into a ponytail, fastening it with a light blue hair elastic.

I laid my old clothes out on the bed for the house elves to get, then twisted my doorknob, opening the door. Just as I stepped into the hallway, Draco stepped out of his room.

His hair was still slicked back, and he was wearing black dress slacks and shoes, with a dark blue dress shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows.

We both then walked through the numerous hallways and corridors until we finally reached the staircase to the first floor. After descending it, we made our way towards the sitting room.

"I'm still not used to how big this house is," I said to break the silence. Draco chuckled a bit, then answered.

"You will eventually. The second floor is mostly bedrooms, but the third floor has a potions room, library, music room, and a ballroom. Though the last isn't used often. Only once or twice a year really," he said as we entered the sitting room.

Hey guys! Sorry its been so long since I last updated, I had kinda hit a brick wall, and couldn't think of anything to write. Anyway, hope you guys like it! I'm not sure when the next update will be, but I'll try to update again soon.

Luv ya!

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