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There comes a time in everyone's life when one must make a decision: to live as everyone else or to run away and never look back

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There comes a time in everyone's life when one must make a decision: to live as everyone else or to run away and never look back. I thought I had made my decision. I thought I had the perfect life, but as I stared up at the sky that night, I knew my life was far from heaven.

In a way, I always knew my life was cursed from the start. But in this moment of reflection, I don't think I would change anything.

If I didn't lose my daughter, I would have never met Salazar, or Simon. Both of those men impacted my life more than I would ever imagine.

I'm currently struggling to understand what lesson I am about to learn from losing Salazar, and in turn losing my friends and my life. But from my past, I know that I will always be okay.

In someone's story, I am the villain.

In another's, I am completely erased.

But in my story, I am just a human.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry will grow and will be great, and it saddens me that I will not be there to see it. But in my heart, I know the truth. And I know that Salazar Slytherin was a great man, no matter how history will paint him to be.

My only hope is that I didn't ruin his legacy, that Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw will tell the students of Slytherin and his life, his goals, his ambitions.

I loved Salazar Slytherin with my entire being and if I could go back and switch places with him, I would absolutely in a heartbeat.

I dread what will become of him once those who knew him pass on because the permanent legacy that lives in the castle was not taken care of. What will history make of him when it finds out what is dwelling in Slytherin's chamber?

Even if my legacy is erased, Slytherin's still lives on. The basilisk still lives on.

That is my only regret.

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