Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was founded by four great witches and wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff, and Salazar Slytherin. The suggestion of a fifth founder is almost laughable. However, she did exist.
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Our journey to find the "cliff by the lake" started rough. First, Godric and Rowena fought about where we should start looking. Godric insisted we needed to stay in England, but Rowena felt a strong pull toward Scotland. Crossing borders was hard enough, and we weren't sure if apparition could work that way. Even so, eventually Rowena won, claiming it was her dream therefore she would know where to go more than Godric. Godric couldn't think of a comeback for that one.
Thus we began our journey to Scotland.
Because none of us had practiced apparition in a longer distance than a few miles, we had to travel on foot. Salazar suggested we commandeer some horses from a nearby village, but everyone disagreed. I thought it was a decent idea.
Our first night was spent camping in the woods. Godric made a fire and we all huddled around it as the sun was taking its warmth with it. The only reason I slept that night was because I barely had any sleep the night before.
The next night, I woke up hours before dawn. The fire was put out, leaving me chilled to the bone. I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest, as if curling up as tight as possible would preserve heat.
I started to lay back down, but a twig snapped behind me, causing me to jump up. I whipped out my wand and pointed it at the source, even though I had no idea what spells I would use to defend myself.
"Easy there," The source whispered with a laugh. Salazar.
"Sorry." I lowered my wand in embarrassment. "I'm just paranoid."
"Couldn't sleep?" He asked as he sat down, leaning his back against a tree.
"No." I shook my head as I slipped my wand back in its place, on my hip underneath my skirt.
"You shouldn't carry your wand like that. It's dangerous." Salazar pointed out, glancing at my skirt as I sat down next to him.
I breathed out a laugh. "I think I could survive, with all the danger I've already survived."
"Fair point." I could barely see Salazar in the dim moonlight, but it was enough to make out the faint smile that appeared on his face.
Salazar was a good man. While Godric was busy trying to be the leader, Salazar was the one who made sure we were all going to survive.
A cold shiver went through my spine, suddenly reminding me of our current circumstances. Salazar definitely noticed and he reached out, gently placing his hand on my arm. His eyes widened as he felt the gooseflesh that invaded my skin.
"You're freezing." He stated. "You need a better cloak."
"Well, I guess I'll just go to the nearest shop and buy a new one." I said sarcastically. He rolled his eyes at me but he couldn't help but laugh.
"Come here." He opened his arms, inviting me to come closer to him.
I hesitated, taken aback by his forward gesture. I could feel my cheeks burning, making me immensely grateful for the dim lighting. When Salazar didn't immediately take back his offer, I moved closer to him and let him put his arms around me as I leaned on him for support.
His body temperature helped warm me fast, and I didn't dare try to move away. Neither did he.
Morning came fast.
When I woke up again, I was no longer in Salazar's arms. I sat up, looking around for him. I quickly found him talking with Godric. He met my eyes and sent me a soft smile, but he masked it as fast as he could. His gesture made me feel something I had never felt before, like a golden light was radiating inside of me giving me comfort and security.
I stood up, forcing my eyes away from that man. I decided to search for Rowena and Helga, but I did not have to go very far. And by the looks they both were giving me, I could tell they knew something.
"I woke up this morning and was greeted by an interesting sight." Rowena said to me, a smile playing on her lips.
"Oh really?" I tried to act oblivious, but I could tell it wasn't working.
"I have known Salazar for half of my life and I have never seen him do anything like that," Helga giggled excitedly.
"I think you're getting ahead of yourself there." I laughed nervously, but I couldn't help but think, Why didn't he just use a warming charm? Why didn't I?
"Are we ready to leave?" Godric thankfully interrupted before they could ask any questions.
One evening, instead of sleeping in the woods, we stopped at a tavern in a nearby town. This would give us access to food, a bed, a chamber pot, and a map. Godric claimed he knew where to go, but he wanted to make sure we were in the right place just in case.
"He's for sure lost." Salazar whispered to me so that no one else could hear. I nodded in agreement.
Nevertheless, I was thankful for this excursion.
To save what little money we had, we only reserved one room. Godric and Salazar waited outside until Rowena, Helga, I were clean and decent, and they took their turn to get washed up. After, Helga, Godric, Salazar, and I went to get some food while Rowena stayed in the room to rest.
The four of us sat around a table in the tavern, Godric sipping the beer he just ordered. Salazar sat next to me, his arm draped on the back of my chair. This did not go unnoticed by Helga, who made sure to grin at me. Even Godric, the king of oblivion, noticed. I caught him sending a questioning look to Salazar, who simply replied with a smirk. I wasn't sure how to feel about the situation.