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There comes a time in everyone's life when one must make a decision: to live as everyone else or to run away and never look back

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There comes a time in everyone's life when one must make a decision: to live as everyone else or to run away and never look back. I thought I had made my decision. I thought I had the perfect life, but as I laid next to the man that murdered my daughter, I knew my life was far from heaven.

In that moment, I made a new decision.

As the man slept, I sat up slowly, careful not to wake him. Picking up my daughter's stuffed doll from the ground, I felt for my wand that was always attached to my side, hidden under my dress for protection. Finally, I gathered what little money I had saved and I began my journey to anywhere as far away as possible.

I was unsure of where I was going. All I knew was that I needed to get away. I could hardly think straight as I walked down along the desolate path, everyone asleep.

Walking quickly through the village, I formulated a plan to go to town, knowing I could make the trip by dawn. I could stay in an inn or bargain a passage to London to find work. Then I remembered I could go back to Bulgaria, to Durmstrang Institute, where I grew up.

My mind was racing so fast that I barely noticed the woman that appeared in front of me.

"Hello." Her sudden outburst made me step back as I was more than shaken from the day's events. Her warm smile and the wand in her hand told me that she was like me. "Do not be frightened. I'm here to help you."

"Who are you?" I backed away slightly, carefully pulling my own wand out of my skirt.

"I am a protector of witches and wizards in need. I saw you at the river today." She gave me a sympathetic look. "I can take you to our house a few miles away. Of course, it will only take a matter of seconds. I'm sure the others will be glad to have you."

"The others?" I raised my eyebrow curiously.

"There are four of us. Well, five, with you. Each of us are in hiding from the muggle world that wishes to expose us." The woman briefly explained, and I suddenly trusted her. I had no reason to; she mysteriously knew where to find me and knew what I had just been through, yet I believed every word she said.

"Take me with you then. If what you say is true, then wonderful. If not, I have nothing to lose." I answered warily, wiping my tear stained face.

She gave me another kind smile and gently took my hand in hers. Suddenly the world began to spin rapidly. A vast swirl of greens and browns morphed into yellows and blues. We were no longer in the dark forest. When we landed, my head was spinning and I could no longer keep my balance.

"How did you do that?" I gasped, regaining my footing.

"Apparition. I can teach you, if you like." She chuckled lightly.

"I've never heard of that kind of magic." I said, looking up at the small mansion in front of me. "I thought you said you were in hiding."

"Rowena invented it. You'll meet her soon." She replied before addressing my comment on her house. "This was my parents' home before they passed. I use it in their honor. My name is Helga Hufflepuff by the way."

"Lyra." I hesitated. Instead of following with my husbands last name, I wanted to rid myself of my former life entirely, so I created a new name for myself. "Lyra Lydonbell."

"I am honored to have met you, Lyra. Now, let us go inside, and I will show you to your room. I will introduce you to the others in the morning." Helga led me inside and up the stairs to a small room at the end of the hall. "It is not much, but it is all I have available."

"It is perfect. Thank you, Helga." I nodded to her gratefully.

She left the room, shutting the door behind her, and I was alone again.

The next morning, I woke, expecting to be back at the village wondering why my daughter had not shaken me awake yet. But as I glanced around, I quickly remembered the events from the previous day, and my heart was shattered all over again.

Sitting up, the scent of warm, freshly cooked breakfast heightened my senses, and I felt a sudden relief to once again use magic freely. I wished that I could use magic to turn back time to save my daughter, and I became determined to find a way once I started my new life.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I wiped away a few tears that I did not realize had fallen.

"Come in." I said, standing to my feet as Helga opened the door.

In this new, clear lighting, I was slightly taken aback by Helga's bright, golden hair. The color seemed to fit her character, and I began to wonder how I never noticed it before. 

"If you are hungry, I made breakfast. I have found that I am particularly good at food charms." She laughed to herself. "The others are all downstairs, and I am sure they would love to meet you. Just come down when you are ready."

After she left, I let out a long sigh, knowing that I would have to meet them all eventually. If they were constantly bubbly like Helga, I was unsure of how much I could take. Nevertheless, I found myself out of my room, descending the stairs that led to the lower level.

I heard a woman's laugh that did not sound light enough to be Helga's. Then I heard a smooth voice of a man followed by a gruff voice from a different man. I felt intimidated and anxious, but I forced myself to round the corner toward the kitchen anyway. Feeling like I could break at any second, I silently prayed that Helga was with them.

Fortunately, my prayer was answered as Helga jumped up excitedly upon my arrival.

"Lyra! So good of you to join us!" She grinned happily before turning to her other companions. "This is Lyra Lydonbell. I took her in last night. She is like us, a witch in need of a refuge. Lyra, Rowena Ravenclaw, Salazar Slytherin, and Godric Gryffindor."

Before me stood a tall, slender woman with long, braided, dark hair. Her face was pointed and pleasant, and she greeted me with a graceful nod. I remembered her as the one that invented "apparition," as Helga had called it.

The next was a man she presumed to be Salazar Slytherin. His hair fell to his shoulders, and his lips formed a straight, thin line as if he were staring at me with resentment. He was not unattractive. In fact, I caught myself glancing at him the longest before I turned to the last man.

Godric Gryffindor looked as if he could be Helga's brother if it were not for the strawberry tint to his lengthy hair. In contrast to Slytherin's clean shaven face, Gryffindor had quite an impressive beard.

"I hope you find that you like it here." Godric greeted with a smile.

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