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A few days passed, and with each day brought a new lesson and a new class for me to sit in on

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A few days passed, and with each day brought a new lesson and a new class for me to sit in on. Today, Godric and Salazar brought a few of the older students outside, and I followed along, interested in what the two would be teaching.

"Alright, stand in a line facing us." Godric instructed while Salazar stood beside him. "Today you be learning how to duel. You all know the basic hexes and spells, but they will do you no good if you do not have decent form. First, Salazar and I will show you what to do, and then you will be split into pairs and will take turns."

After he was done speaking, Godric nodded toward Salazar, and they both moved to stand in front of each other. They lifted their wands to their faces before swiftly moving them back down. Then, they turned away from each other and took a few steps in the opposite direction. Turning back around, they prepped themselves by taking a stance. Salazar teasingly wore a smirk on his face and Godric rolled his eyes at Salazar's confidence.

Godric was the first to move, yelling, "Expelliarmus!"

Salazar blocked the spell easily, as that move was a popular first spell.

The two went at each other for a good while, using harmless spells in case of one misdirecting toward the students. After a few minutes, the students started to become impatient, each of them anxious to get a turn. Godric noticed this, and while he was distracted, Salazar managed to disarm him, victoriously winning the duel.

"That was unfair." Godric protested, but the two laughed it off anyway before turning their attention back to the students.

"James Merlin, Phoenix Grindelwald, you're up." Salazar pointed to a tall boy with dark skin and a girl with white hair. Some of the other students groaned because they were not picked to go first, but both the boy and girl grinned as if they had been waiting for this moment their entire lives.

Godric stayed next to the students to observe the them closer, but Salazar stood next to me. "Godric teaches this class. He just needed me to help today, though I am curious how these two are going to do. They were two of our first students and they have always been in competition with each other." Salazar explained to me and I began to form a smile.

"Kind of like you and Helga?" I prodded with a slight laugh. Though I had not been with them long, I was there long enough to notice the constant teasing and testing between the two. Just the other day, the two were arguing about whose students were progressing faster, and then not five minutes later, they were laughing about Salazar's inability to produce a food charm.

Salazar froze, looking to the ground, and I began to wonder if I pushed too far. Before I could change the subject, however, Salazar answered my question, "Helga is my sister. Or, almost was. She was promised to my brother, but," he hesitated, "the muggles attacked him. Helga and I are closer because we both lost him."

My mouth became dry as I thought about his past as well as mine. If this happened to Helga and Salazar, then something must have happened to Godric and Rowena as well. Otherwise, why would they be here? And if this was happening so often, were these children in danger? All because of muggles.

"I know how that feels." I whispered, and I thought he would not be able to hear me, but his head snapped in my direction so I knew I needed to elaborate. "My daughter was killed by her own father, all because he refused to have an open mind. If these children have parents like that monster, how would they react to this?"

"That is exactly how I feel." Salazar nodded but then sighed. "But the others do not agree. They think we should let in muggleborns. I have decided to let them have their way for now, but with our ever-growing number of students, this could become too dangerous."


All of us sat in the library stable, recording the events of the day. Each class had its own record journal, but I started a special one for myself since I did not have a class. I wrote down everything I learned from the instructors as well as little things I learned about each student. For example, I wrote about James Merlin and Phoenix Grindelwald, how they constantly competed with each other because they were perfectly matched in skill. I also added in that Phoenix won the duel, and I was silently rooting for her from the beginning.

Another topic I wrote about was what I learned about Salazar and Helga. How they were just as broken as I was, and while I was pitying myself, they took it upon themselves to start teaching children how to harness and control their magic, so that they could tame their powers in the presence of muggles. In addition, I wrote about Salazar's views about muggles, something we agreed on.

After I finished writing about everything, I closed the journal and placed it on the bookshelf. I was the last one to finish writing, which was surprising considering that I did not even have a class to keep track of.

I left the stables and went up to the house to join the others. Helga prepared dinner for us, like she had at every mealtime since I arrived. I was even more thankful for her after learning about her past.

I sat down next to Salazar, who was currently my closest friend. For some reason, I knew I could trust him with my life. He seemed like the most mysterious out of the four, yet he opened up to me while only knowing me for a few days. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye and for a second, I saw a smile playing on his lips, before it was masked by his usual blank expression.

Godric and Rowena exchanged glances as Godric raised his eyebrow in confusion. Rowena said nothing as she turned back to her food, and Godric raised his cup to his mouth to mask his amused smirk, but I noticed it despite his efforts.

A/N: I don't know how I feel about this chapter, but I am very excited about the next one so stay tuned! Also this chapter is definitely unedited so excuse any mistakes lol.

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