The room number 3 mission

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Tuesday, 2 January 2018

The long"awaited day has arrived, what Margareth was waiting for so long, what also Diana, Akko and Amanda were waiting for to act, the long"awaited exploration of Room 3 of Luna Nova, in the mysterious place, which can lead to many possibilities, some not so good and others even interesting, but all this will depend on the course of future events of these next hours of exploration.

The day dawned as any other day at Luna Nova, that would be the last week there before they all go back to school, since the winter holidays are about to end.
The day was passing as if nothing had happened, just a routine day, but that was already having a preparation on the part of each one, that still during the afternoon, in the room of the brown team, there were Marianne and Hellene, both were already preparing the things to be on the lookout in a room near the room three observing all the activity, as the trio was arriving.
At the blue, red and green teams' rooms the conversation was by mobile phone messages, with everything already being practically released for the night, a lot because of the plan with Diana's presence always filling O'Neill with questions and full of fear, but that would always be answered by the American leaving everything clear.
At Nelson's room, Margareth was just waiting for the motion detector and cameras installed in the room to detect soon the presence of the trio, so that she would also act her way, besides having a small bug in Croix and Chariot
's room, which could at any moment for going after what really happened, mainly if they are going to investigate what happened in the witch's own seal.


It was already night and all of them were practically ready to act in every hour, being that Croix and Chariot discussed a lot about only going out to look for the seal at night, in case everything is true, they would catch Margaret by surprise in a time that possibly she would be sleeping, a lot of it writing in papers, since they even suspected that there could be a bug in their room and for that they didn't risk.
The couple takes the broom and starts to leave Luna Nova, towards the island where Ford's seal was.

" We'll find out the truth now, there's no way Nelson will escape our suspicions," said Chariot.

" If it's Margaret we'd better be careful and pretend nothing happened, we'll try to catch her at night, when she's sleeping and put an end to all this, arrest this cursed woman," Croix said.

" Let's try, because you know that even then we can't falter, our lives are at risk, remember how powerful she was to the point of taking care of all of us " Du Nord said.

They continued their flight path, and in the rooms of the red, green and blue teams, the three girls left in a discreet way, each one inventing a different excuse to try to pretend they were doing something else.

" I am going out to meet Diana, we promised each other to look at the stars " Atsuko said.

" Hmmm I already know that the stars you are going to see is actually what she is going to make you see hahaha, what a cute way to say you are going to get it on " Sucy said teasingly.

" Sucy! " Kagari said blushing.

With this easy excuse she managed to leave without the two colleagues getting suspicious, so much so that she went with her bag and wearing a more discreet outfit, through the dark corridors, Amanda on the other hand invented the excuse that she was invited to the brown team's room, on a game night with Hellene, Akko and Diana, which already grew Constanze and Jasminka's suspicion, who didn't buy much, but also didn't care much. On the
other hand Diana didn't need to say anything as Hannah and Barbara were bathing and together they were in the shower, that being all she could hear from the pair of classmates, clearing all the way for them.
In the corridor near the entrance to room three, they were very well hidden disguised as mice, in some crevices, from early evening, there were the duo of Marianne and Hellene.

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