Margareth is back

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Diana, Akko and Amanda, have already gone to the mysterious hiding place in room three, where they are practically falling into the trap where Margareth has placed them, about to come across something that will be extremely dangerous to the lives of this trio. Already Chariot and Croix were still on their way to where Margareth's seal was, in an attempt to get the truth by themselves and finally Laura and Bernadette, who went running to the red team's room after noticing the temporary blackout that had happened in the place, not only signaling that the seal was opened but also that Akko had awakened the magic, making them run to get the proof to see if the blackout was not really a mistake.

And soon the two mothers of Diana, arrived at the door of the reds' room, knocking there in desperation and also panting, but noticing already that there was no sign of smoke, especially when Sucy came to open the door, revealing that nothing happened, not even Akko was present.

" Where is Akko? " McLaren asks.

" She left a while ago, she told us she was going to see Diana to talk and see the stars " Manbavaran answers.

" And you have no idea where they might have gone? Didn't you notice the blackout just now? It could be that she awakened the magic," said the Irish girl.

" And how, I was playing when out of nowhere these lights go out, I'm sure something happened to these two " said the Filipina trying to give some details to the redhead.

" Okay, it seems that you two have no idea where Akko went, I will try to check with the others, because there is something extremely serious going on here," said the woman with freckles on her face, who then left running towards another place.

They go running this time to the blue team's room trying to get some information about Diana, all to get the girls' presence detected, running with the utmost desperation.
While things didn't look so good down there, in that hidden room, with Claiomh Solais floating in the middle, the trio of witches right in front of Margareth who was walking in an intimidating way towards them, causing an increasing fear with each step.

" Who are you? Are you Margaret? What do you want with us? " Said Diana in a more defensive position, wand in hand aiming at the woman.

" How pathetic of you to try to defend yourselves, you are simply three weak and pathetic teenagers.... And bingo, you got it right, I'm Margaret Benson Ford, looks like your brain is up to date... Diana Cavendish " said Margareth.

" You will not have the power of Claiomh Solais in your hands! We know you have bad intentions and it is our mission to protect the staff," Akko said.

" Stand back or we will attack," Amanda said.

" This is not a joke, we have been trained for this! " Complements Cavendish and Ford herself was clapping her hands just laughing at everything.

" And how do I know this, you three are only striving in vain, I know how far each of you can go, I know you will never be enough against me, I was there, watching you in magic class, listening to you word for word, on the sly, I who brought you here, you may not recognise me like this, but you can recognise me like this " Said Benson who was transforming into Nelson.

The trio are in shock, especially O'Neill to see that she had been fooled all along, to the point of being speechless, Nelson was Margaret all along, she was hiding in the identity of the broomstick flying teacher, she pretended to be that person all along, as well as manipulating the green team girl all along, practically leaving her speechless, to say anything.

" What's the matter Amanda O'Neill, cat got your tongue? You're not gonna tell your friends that you got this far because of my manipulation? Yeah, I got her all worked up, didn't I? You're not going to tell your friends that you got this far because of my manipulation, are you? Oh yeah, they were already figuring it out, but now they know you did it all at my behest, that you fell for my trick, and that's wonderful, hahahah," said the witch returning to normal, and little by little the salmon haired one started to cry, an extremely rare thing that happened with her.

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