Margareth's corruption

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After the mistake she made trying to cross the line with Diana, that was what ended up condemning Margareth to have to continue until adulthood at her father's side who would spend a lot of time mistreating the girl and as for the attempts to visit Cavendish would all be blocked by a magical force field, which she was forcing every year to cross.
Even with all the beatings, even with her father calling for reinforcements by resorting to some witch security guards, that served a lot for Margareth herself to use as a way of training, increasing every day more her strength and magical power to higher and higher levels, to the point that the beatings taken by her father hurt, but the pain itself was not so felt, the girl was practically creating a huge resistance to it.

But not everything was flowers, due to the witch security service itself got tired of so many witches coming back hurt with Keith's calls, not even the best security guards could handle a girl of only 13 years old, who angrily defeated everyone with magic, always aiming to break the Cavendish force field of magic, but that could never be broken, it was a really powerful seal, that Ford only wanted to be able to go see the girl that she had feelings for, but that was what motivated her to grow more as a witch.
Only that unfortunately it wouldn't last long, as Keith could no longer have much recourse to the security of the witch service he hired, with Margaret's name already becoming a fear among all, for them that was no longer a witch, but a monster and really this monster would prove why he performs his monstrosities in a worse way.

15 August 1912, Leeds, England, Ford family mansion

Keith was left with no options, his daughter was already an extremely powerful witch by that point, making fun of the witches hired as security guards, she built up a resistance and pushed herself to the limit, using the hires themselves as a way of training, even on some of these hires, the hires themselves would get scared when noticing who they were working for and jump ship.
Annoyed, Benson's father returns home that day after receiving a big no, from none other than the head of security who was known to be the best in the region and one of the best in England, he goes to get satisfaction from his daughter who was sitting in an armchair with her legs crossed, in her own room, looking at the window.

" Margareth! You are worthless, useless, a brat, who do you think you are to keep causing this to the witches I hired, because of you they no longer want to work, you little wretch! Now you will pay " said the furious man.

" No one told you to hire weaklings, this is all your fault for being useless, you've made me suffer all these years, you've made mum suffer, but now it's your time to suffer Keith Ford " Said Ford turning her chair which went floating with magic, but dad just kept laughing as he picked up a whip from the wall.

" How dare you say that to your father's authority? Have respect for me you little slut, you're just like your mother's slut, a filthy promiscuous slut, you're only here to depend on my hard work," said the furious Ford, who was walking slowly, already testing to see how the whip was.

" Bow down to me you bastard " Benson said snapping her fingers and with that a spell enveloped her father.

He got down on his knees in front of his daughter who was still sitting in the armchair as if she were a queen, Keith couldn't move the whip simply had no effect and with that she gets up, walking around her father with her hands behind her back.

" Maybe I should torture you, put you through what you've put me through all my life, but I won't do that, instead I'm going to put an end to it Keith Ford, you took so long leaving home to get more security that you forgot I could find a way to get rid of you " Said Ford who simply took a rolled up piece of paper from a roll and then showed it to her father, it was a death certificate, with date and time of death.

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