The childhood of Chariot Du Nord pt2

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Little Chariot was facing an extremely heavy situation in her life, with the murder of her parents, the little girl almost couldn't save herself in time, but luckily she had managed to hide from what was a disguised person, with a dark outfit, apparently wearing a bullet proof waistcoat, a gas mask with a reddish lens, that was all the Du Nord could remember of that mysterious person that showed up at her house, that was what she tried to help the police to try and solve the case.
After that she had no place to stay, since the family of the little red haired girl had practically suffered a huge attack, but luckily Laura and Bernadette saw it as a way to alleviate the whole situation by letting the little girl stay with them.

It was a tortuous way to go back, after all the information was given to the police and with the help of Rosemary too, the four of them end up going back to Scotland, this time, taking all Du Nord's things to Edinburgh too, since she would be the newest resident of the Cavendish mansion.
When they arrive there, the little girl is surprised to see all that huge mansion, surprised by its size, and also that the butlers of the mansion were surprised by the sudden absence of the two.

" What happened to you? We were worried, Daryl didn't tell us anything and suddenly you fly away " said one of the main carers of the house called Anna.

" Anna it was an emergency, I am sorry I could not communicate about this, but we are fine now, just before you could leave these bags in a room near ours, we have a new resident in our mansion " Bernadette said as the little girl went hiding in between Laura's legs somewhat embarrassed and scared.

" Oh, a new resident? Did you adopt a child? " asked the maid.

" This is Chariot Du Nord, she has just suffered a tragedy with her family and we are adopting her, because she deserves a family and she deserves a better life after all she has been through, please treat her the same way you would treat a biological daughter of ours " Said the redhead who then made a way for the girl to sneak out after her.

" I am Chariot Du Nord... I lost my father, my mother, my grandmother, my great"grandmother, everyone in my family is dead... " Said the little girl who then turned to McLaren hugging her giving a cry.

" I'll make sure to leave Chariot's things in her room, so be more than welcome to the Cavendish family," said Anna, who with the other servants of the house went to get the bags.

Hand in hand, the little girl walked to the inside of the mansion where she came across the huge open corridor, a staircase, and was completely enchanted, feeling like the biggest princess, and also saw two children who were playing there, the twins Maril and Merrill.

" Go on, you can walk freely here, the house is all yours too " Said the older Cavendish patting the little girl on the head.

Chariot starts to run to where the Cavendish twins were, but just as she was about to get close, she runs into legs and hits them almost head on, bumping into Daryl who appeared right in front of her making the little Du Nord fall to the ground sitting up, looking a little scared into those deep blue eyes of her own.

" What is that thing doing here? " Said the older Cavendish's sister, scaring the red"haired one even more, but the two soon appear to quash the snake's intimidation.

" Daryl, she is Chariot and she is our adopted daughter from now on, so I ask you to treat her with respect, if I hear that you have mistreated our girl on any occasion I will make her swallow my hand " McLaren said threatening the other Cavendish.

" Oh what a fright, so you adopted this horrible, catarrhful child? They must have found such a creature on the street, it only makes more affirmation that you don't produce children, you are two women, but it's no use, only the Cavendish gene can succeed the family... Anyway this will only affirm great rumours about you guys, plus it is also affirmation that I will have my lineage guaranteed as the one to lead the family soon.... Simply pathetic.... In conclusion here I won't mess with this little brat, just don't let her near my girls, I don't want them to be influenced by this rabble," said Daryl in a very intimidating way.

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