Margareth's hideout

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Wednesday, 3 January 2018

Margareth had succeeded in her mission to distract the girls, so that they could later catch Claiomh Solais and then kidnap them, in a way that no one would be able to find the witch's trail, who hid in a very hidden place in Luna Nova, where it would be impossible to find it within the walls of the place, for it had not only been abandoned for a long time, but was also hidden in the middle of the buildings that had been built during the reforms over the years.

That day was getting dawn, Ford, took the opportunity to give a rest in the hiding place, already the trio of the girls was waking up little by little, in that dark room, where the only thing that beat were a few rays of sun in a very small frestra, what they were already noticing that they were tied up and without seeing anything, With all this commotion who ends up waking up is Benson herself who turns on the lamps of the place revealing to be nothing more, nothing less than a prison cell.

" Well look who's waking up, good morning to you three," said Margaret sarcastically as the three looked on in fear.

" What have you done with us? Where are we? " said Diana.

" Well from now on you will be my prisoners, it's like this, you will help me with whatever I need and you can get out of here, it's a simple thing, you are the witches of the seals " said the brownish witch.

" You'll pay for everything you've done Margaret, it won't stay like this! " Said Akko trying to get free of the chains.

" Oh don't waste your energy, from now on this will be your home, if you want to go back to your home just cooperate with me, I guarantee you will have good food, after all... I will need you healthy, especially Cavendish... Did you feel your neck lighter? " Said the green-eyed one who then took from her hands a large section of Diana's cropped hair in hand.

" What have you done to me? You... " Said the furious Scot without realising how her hair looked until Margareth levitated a mirror that went towards her.

" I need Cavendish genetics for my thingy, soon you'll meet her, who knows with more of this I might be able to improve the shape of the freak more, anyway... Enjoy your new home " said Margareth who then left laughing and closing the cell door.

The three were sitting with chains attached to their wrists and ankles, sitting on the floor without much to move, noticing that up there was a camera to observe everything, besides an empty room, with only a hole in the floor with a button, besides that the one with blue eyes notices that she is with her hair cut short, as Margareth passed the scissors up to the neckline, the trio was still in shock amidst the conditions they were put in.

" Damn it! I... I'm so sorry... I'm sorry you two, it's all my fault! I got you into this, I believed Nelson's manipulation, who was Margaret all along, it's all my fault, now we're in this hell " Amanda said.

" Hey, there's no way you could have known it was Margareth, it's not your fault Amanda " Akko said.

" I can even agree with Akko, it's not your fault we're here, but it was a mistake to put trust in Nelson, I really don't think you're someone Croix and Chariot use to take us places... My suspicion in the end was wrong," Diana said.

" I wish it was, but I was just curious, at that time of the summer we found it just to find it, now it was all a plan of Margaret, on top of that we are in danger of her doing everything bad to us, we don't even have an ounce of dignity, look at this camera, do we really have that hole there to have the privacy that we have? " Said O'Neill complaining.

" Let's not waste time now I'm without the magic seal.... " Atsuko said.

The three of them sort of nod their heads in agreement, and start to concentrate, sort of trying to do a spell, only in a short time they start to feel an electric current, getting the biggest shock that makes them stop trying to use some spell, being quite painful even for the trio that ended up frying a little with the electricity.

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