01 - Pocky

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Han Jisung is failing maths, lucky for him Lee Minho has free time for tutoring.

"Look, it's not that hard." he smiled and clicked his pen. "We'll just use the first identity, sine squared plus cos squared equals one. Then substitute the value of theta in the equation." he scribbled down the solution in his notebook, circling the final answer and turned it towards him.

Jisungs jaw dropped in bewilderness. "You-" he scowled at Minho, who just laughed. "It was so easy and I was differentiating that shit and what not." he rolled his eyes.

"Sometimes it's the most basic of things, don't run your mind to Mars when the destination is the convenience store down the street." he said, fiddling his pen like a drumstick like he always did.

Jisung sighed "I just can't get it. I don't know why I took Calculus in the first place when I don't even know basic maths." "Oh come on, I'm sure you'll be fine. I can polish up your basics in a week." he flashed him a bright smile.

"I legit got a 21 in maths." "Out of 30? It's not that bad." Jisung looked at him in awe "You have so much expectation from me." he shook his head. "Out of a hundred, Lee Minho. It was the finals." "Oh that's bad."

Jisung let out a chuckle "Right? It is bad bad."

Minho shut the book open in front of them and put it on top of the pile of many fat books kept on the table. "Let's take a break, if that's okay?" "Oh yeah sure." Jisung closed his notebook, happy insides that the dreadful sight of numericals was no longer in front of him.

"I'll get some snacks," Minho smiled. "You can look around or whatever, I don't know-" he rubbed his nape. None of them were sure what to exactly say or do, for the matter.

Minho shut the door behind him, and Jisung left out a sigh of relief. As much as he was terrible at maths, he was worse at socialising, always stumbling over words and either not speaking and coming off as rude or over sharing and coming off as overly loud and weird.

With Minho however, the cute guy he met in his Calculus class, things seem to be going smooth and comfortable, for now.

He looked around his room, trying to be unbiased and not analyse everything like crazy.

The grey walls were filled with dark posters of several bands that he didn't know the names of. There was a bookshelf that reached the high ceiling, the top two shelves consisted of albums and even some vinyls, and the rest were thick books with big titles on the spine stuffed against one another.

Besides the bookshelf was his drum set, off course and above that was hung a rainbow pride flag. It was the first thing he had noticed when he came into the room and immediately broke into a huge smile.

Come to think of it, Minho's vibe and aesthetic was a complete contrast to his actual personality.

He met him on the first day of school, in calculus class where he sat at the last bench. Saying that Jisung was intimidated was an understatement.

Can you blame him though? The first impression was 'the tall blue haired guy with the lip piercing who was head to toe in black' and to top it off, he was a band kid that got into trouble quite a lot.

Insane duality.

The door opened and Minho walked in, holding a tray of what seemed to be a shit ton of food. "I didn't know what you'd like so I got a variety," he let out a small, kinda awkward laugh.

"It's okay," Jisung grinned and sat up straight crossing legs. Minho put the tray on the bed beside them and sat crisscrossed, signalling Jisung to take his pick first.

Jisung scanned several food items. Gummy bears, crisps, juice, and many other things too. With a small giggle, he picked out the pack of pockys.

He wiggled his eyebrows "Wanna play?" Minho's eyes widened, but only for a split second and then it was swapped for a smirk "I'll go first."

Oh crap.

He did not think this one through.

'YOLO I guess.' he thought as he opened the packet and placed the end of one in his mouth. There's like 98.7% chance he'll gay panic but he's done this with Felix before right, no problem-

He felt Minho's hand softly grab the crook of his neck. His hands were soft.

He shut his eyes, as he could feel Minho's breath closer with tiny crunches. He felt a thumb trace his cheek. He opened his eyes and was met with Minho's, that brat was smirking at him and Jisung could just wrestle him then and there.

He raised his eyebrows 'What?' and he shook his head slightly in response to 'Nothing' and bit down on the final small remaining piece of the pocky.

Color rushed to Jisungs cheeks and he buried his face into the sleeve of his hoodie. "You suggested it." Minho chuckled, picking up another pocky and was about to eat it before Jisung stopped him.

"It's my turn now." Jisung lightly punched his arm "Okay, then." Minho smirked yet again and put the end of the snack in his mouth.

Just like he had done it, Jisung grabbed the side of his neck and felt Minho stiffen under the touch but relaxed out soon after.

And so it began.

Minho closed his eyes "Hey- you can't close your eyes, you have to keep them open!"

Jisung started slowly at the tip, going forward. He doesn't know where the confidence had come from but just like Minho had done, he replicated the halt at the end.

Jisung looked at him smirking and raised an eyebrow, Minho did the same. His eyes went down to his lips and back to his brown eyes, he looked at him in question, receiving a wink in response.

A silent agreement was made, Jisung pressed his lips against him. Minho's lips dragged around Jisungs's ever so softly. Jisung had never been kissed like this before and he was a second away from melting into a puddle of blushing mess overflown by butterflies.

Minho's hand grabbed his waist swiftly and he kissed back the pretty boy in front of him as eagerly as he was.

His lips were softer.

An eruption of emotions and feelings went through their bodies, Minho clutched onto his waist and his small hands latched around his neck.

Jisung could feel the metal lip ring brushing against his teeth and oh boy did he feel euphoric.

Minho smilled into the kiss and Jisung almost died, not gonna lie.

They pulled apart for air and the last bit of pocky was now between Jisungs flushed lips, he grinned and swallowed the final bit "I won."

Minho leaned forward and pressed a firm kiss to his lips, "So did I. '' he smiled as colour rushed to his cheeks.

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