06 - House Party (II)

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Jisung was trying to make friends, he really was.

So he did what he had to do. Befriend the person who was friends with everyone. Yang Jeongin.

That guy knew everyone and everyone knew him, he definitely had the entire school's and their mom's numbers on his phone. A happy little social butterfly.

He found him playing beer pong on the first floor, and it looked like he was losing really badly. He's losing anyway no harm in dragging him out of there.

"Hey Jeongin-" he dodged a flying fork nearly hitting his face "Could I borrow you for a second?" He gave a small apologetic smile to his friends "Uh yeah sure," he made his way through towards an empty corner thankfully not occupied by any horny couple.

"So what's up?"

Jisung did not plan this through.

Jisung did not know how to make small talk.

Jisung had fucked up.

Jeongin looked down at him, his eyebrow raised.

Why did he have to be taller than him? He was literally a year younger and he was taller, more popular, everyone had a soft spot for him, he was genuinely so nice-

"Jisung?"(not a surprise he knew his name) "You're Heather."

"I'm sorry I didn't quite catch that?" he frowned, leaning down a bit. Again the height card. "Nevermind that. I'm just really lost and awkward here-" "And you have no idea what to do because you don't know anyone?"

That was blunt.

But it was true, so-

"Beside you, uh no." Jisung bit his lip. Jeongin laughed "So do you want to be my friend or help you find a friend?" "Both. Please." Jisung was dying of embarrassment but he had already done a lot of shit, so why not do some more?

He had come to a house party, talked to 7 people, played a game, KISSED Lee MInho (highlight of his existence, by the way) and even though it was just a tiny bit and in an indirect way, he tasted liquor for the first time.

Jeongin flipped the bottle cap in his hand "This sounds like kindergarten but it's okay, I'll help you anyways." he grinned and did the bro-fist-bump-hug-thing "I'm already your friend, you can talk to me anytime. Now to find you a friend to move along with," he scanned the room.

With an unsatisfied disapproval, he moved to the balcony and peeped over the railing, repeating the scanning process. His lips moved into a big grin and turned to Jisung "Minho hyung has been on about you, hasn't he?" he smirked.

Jisung turned beet red and Jeongin clapped his hands "AHA SO ARE YOU!" he giggled "Not just for a while, I've liked him for an eternity, Jeongin, AN ETERNITY." "THEN GO TO HIM" "AND DO WHAT" "SEX?" "THAT SOUNDS AMAZING BUT NO" "WHY?" "TOO EARLY I DON'T EVEN KNOW HIS FAVOURITE COLOUR" "ITS DARK GREEN" "EW UGLY CHOICE BUT NOTED." "GOOD NOW GO" "HOW THE FUCK-"

A strong shove came towards Jisung as Jeongin fell straight at him, the pink drink in his hands spilling on Jisung's front, it would definitely leave a stain.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry." Jeongin muttered, lightly dabbing the wet shirt with a paper towel "Minho hyung!" he screamed over the railing and Minho looked up "Could you show Jisung the bathroom please? I accidentally spilled my drink on him." he pouted. "Yang Jeongin you brat-" JIsung said through gritted teeth. "I am sincerely sorry for the spill part by the way, but it won't stain, I promise. Believe me I've done this before." Jisung just flipped him off.

"Have fun darling~" he blew a kiss at him and left.


"Hi again." Minho snuck up behind him, and Jisung screeched for the third time that night. It came out as more of a squeak, and thank fuck it wasn't loud or Jisung would've tipped himself off the balcony then and there. "You're quite a jumpy one." he noted "Come on then princess, let's clean you up." and with that a stiff, lost for words Jisung was being dragged by the wrist by Minho.

Now why was the bathroom at the end of the hall on the top floor? That was blatantly fucking stupid, what if there's an old folk? Or someone pregnant? Or is someone too lazy to climb two stories? Or a child? Or someone wants to throw up? There were a million things that could go wrong, but in honesty Jisung didn't give a fuck about any of them at the moment.

The bathroom being isolated enough from the party meant he and Minho were alone, together, and they had to converse. Jisung did not know how to converse.

Minho turned the tap on and grabbed a paper towel. "Looks like cupid found us." he ran the paper towel under the water "Huh?" was all Jisung could muster "Jeongin is a brat." he smiled, and received a nod in response. "It's a classic trick of his you know." "What is?"

"His cupid eyes see sparks between people, he creates an accident and shoves them both together somewhere in hopes of something blooming through."

Jisung plopped up on the counter "Does it work?" he let his hand linger just beside Minho's "An eighty five percent success rate." his fingers lace around Jisung's.

Jisungs's heart rate is so embarrassingly high he could reach the moon solely by the energy powered by his heart at this very moment.

"Then it'd be bad to let him down," he looked up at him "Certainly." he gave that very same smile from the moment he had asked him if he could kiss him.

And so he did, again.

Minho's kiss felt like everything, it was sweet, bitter from alcohol, it made him see stars and galaxies. It was warm and comforting, one that made you want to let him have your everything, and you were safe. It left you hanging and hungry for more, way more than those lips. It felt like laying in a large field under a cloudy sky on a windy day of October, with nothing to worry - that's how it felt.

It was fireworks, it was butterflies, it sent your hands roaming everywhere wanting all of it. You could melt into it.

And oh boy did Jisung melt.

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