04 - Crush

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In which Minho has been shooting his shot with Jisung forever, and yet misses everytime. 

Jisung was coming out of his class that his way was blocked by a grinning Minho, as he always does. At this point he basically has Jisung's whole time table memorised, showing up after every period and what not.

He leaned with the support of an arm against the wall "Oi Han, let's go to the movies this weekend." Jisung raised an eyebrow, eyeing him up and down "Me and you?" he snorted "In your dreams." he walked past, giving Minho a shoulder pat. "I'll see you in my dreams then," he called out.



It was Valentine's Day. He doesn't know why, yet he came to school with a thought in his head he couldn't get out. Was it hope? Or Expectation? Whatever, it was again related to that idiot.

And that idiot so happened to fulfil his expectation, or hope, as he denies. Just as he walked out after the first period, a smiling Minho finger waved at him. "Happy Valentine's, Sungie." he smiled, holding out a box of chocolates and a rose. "I don't like wasting food," Jisung said as he took the box "And roses are beautiful." a ghost of a smile crept unto his face as he took it, a giddy feeling inside.

"Well this is a massive upgrade from last year." Jisung just popped a chocolate into his mouth "Maybe next time I'll score a date." he grinned "Not happening," Jisung laughed, hitting Minho in the face with the rose.

"I love you a lot, can't you see?" Minho pouted "Thank you loverboy, but its not mutual." "That's a lie," Minho cocked his head to the side "I'll get you one day." "I promise that you won't." Jisung shook his head.


"Oi Sungie, wanna get Coffee later?" "Sorry, I'm busy." Jisung shrugged

"Sorry?" Minho gasped "That's a new one." he clutched his chest "Han Jisung said 'Sorry' to me? WOW."

"Oh come on I'm not that bad." Jisung rolled his eyes "You legit asked me to fuck off 10 minutes ago because I was breathing loud." "It's hard to concentrate, okay-"


"Yah, walk me to my class, will you?" Minho pouts "No, the fuck why would I?" Jisung scowles, turning away to return to his class after break "Please Sungieee, cmon now." he whines childishly, tugging on his sleeve "Eh you know what, fine. Let's go." Jisung gave up "Wha- really?" "Yeah, now c'mon." Jisung passes him a small smile.

They both take the stairs down to the ground floor, playfully nudging each other and passing snarky remarks.

They were standing at the door of Minho's class and at this point Jisung really didn't know what to do, wave? Thumbs up? Finger wave? Nod? Hand Shake? He was never the one to say goodbyes, it was always Minho.

After an intense debate, his brain cells decided a high five seemed the safest option.

Well, his brain cells were wrong.

"Well then," he held out a hand for a high five. Minho stood confused for a second, then a tiny smile crept to his lips. "Bye" his palm met his and he took the sneaky opportunity of intervening their fingers together, with a firm grip one might add.

Jisung was flustered. And he was never, ever, once, flustered. Maybe his subconsciousness took over him, or maybe it was the caffeine-sugar rush, or maybe this was just how he hoped it would go.

"Let go asshole," he giggled, retracting his hand. Minho just laughed, rubbing the nape of his neck.

Jisung had never been giggling and a blushing mess over anyone. And there he was, walking away from Lee Minho, biting his lip and giggling like a mad man.

Butterflies, no firecrackers, erupted in him when he held his hand. The world stopped, and all he could see were his eyes. Those undeniably beautiful deep brown eyes. He replayed the nano second moment in his head over and over again, squealing on the inside.

Until it hit him and made him stop dead in his tracks.

"Oh fuck."


It had been a few days since what Jisung termed as 'the incident', and over those past days there was only one thing in his mind : Minho. Minho this, Minho that.

It's astonishing how he somehow was able to turn a blind eye to this thing inside him for so long? When it has always been like that for what- 3 years now? Everything reminded him of Minho, he couldn't get that idiot out of his head.

So now, after serious debate of yes or no over the 'spin the wheel' app, he's walking up to Minho's door, with no idea in his head of what to say or do.

"Oi Lee Minho." he said as he opened the door puzzled "I like you, let's go out." he liked being straight forward.

"SHUT UP-? YOU'RE NOT SERIOUS?" "Be fucking quiet GOD." Jisung shushed him "I am serious, let's go before I change my mind." he grabbed his arm "IM IN PYJAMAS-" "Do you wanna go out with me or not?" Jisung scowled "Yes, okay, yes, let's go." muttered, rubbing his neck, with Jisung dragging his arm to god knows where.

The walk was silent, except for Minho bursting out into giggles randomly. "I knew this day would come, but I didn't expect it to come." "You do know that makes no sense right." "Your so-called confession made no sense either but here I am."

"You'd follow me into the North if I asked you to." "Eh, honestly I would." Minho shrugged.

"Sooo you finally fell for me ha," Minho smirked, peeking towards his face "Oh stick it up your ass," Jisung rolled his eyes "You lost the bet." Minho grinned "That I did, but I think it's worth losing." Jisung smiled.

"Who was your first kiss, again?" it was an abrupt question from Minho, yet it didn't surprise him, it was like that between them. "Never had one." Minho giggled for the nth time that day, "I'll be the one, then." "Keep on dreaming, Lee." "Oh trust me love, I am."

Maybe that pet name, or the way it was said did something inside Jisung.

They're walking, hands brushing (on purpose but we don't talk about it) "You say you'll be my first kiss yet you can't hold my hand." Jisung smirked, lacing their fingers.

Minho raised his eyebrows "What's in that, Sungie? Look," he snaked his hand through his, having a firm grip "Now I won't let you go easily, you're stuck with me." he poked his tongue out.

Jisung laughed, "I'll kill you, if you do." "I know you will."

"Minho," he looked up at him "You're seriously losing your shit right now, right?" "Oh yeah one hundred percent, I am scared as fuck. I don't think I'll ever process these past 15 minutes, like ever."

A/N : this whole thing was inspired from me and my ex by the way, too bad he turned out to be an asshole.

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