03 - Doorstep

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In which Minho shows up at his sworn mortal enemy's doorstep at 4am.

Jisung took a gulp out of the can as he clicked "Next Episode" on the screen in front of him. bingeing a rerun of Yuri On Ice.

The sudden knock at the door made him jolt up, spilling a bit of the shrimp crackers out of the bag.

Holding a cushion up to his chest, he steadily walked towards the balcony, peeking through the curtains at first. When he didn't see anything out of the blue, he grabbed the baseball bat from underneath the shoe rack and tiptoed towards the door.

He cleared his throat, hoping not to stutter "Who is it?" 'Oh wow Han Jisung you sound so cool right now.'

"It's me," a faint raspy voice came from the other side. Jisung flung upon the door at once "Lee Minho are you aware what time is it -" it was then the light from the living room fell on Minho's face "JESUS CHRIST WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?"

Minho stood there, soaking wet from head to toe. He was clutching onto his left arm that wouldn't stop shaking. He grabbed onto his hand like his life depended on it. His lip was busted and his cheek was split open, a huge imprint of metal rings underneath it. Jisung grabbed his arm and pulled him in, Minho groaned at the force but didn't object.

Jisung cupped his face in his hands. He tilted his chin up to get a better look at his face and the evidence of the fight. He delicately thumbs away the streak of blood by Minho's mouth, saying nothing as he examines it. After a brief pause, Minho's heart skips a nervous beat as Jisung looks him dead in the eyes. His voice is quiet and tense, his anger barely restrained.

"Who did this to you?"

Minho gulps. There's a slight dazed look in his eyes - 'He was drugged?' He looks at Jisung, swaying slightly "....didn't know where to go..." he mumbles slightly and collapses into his arms.

Jisung stumbles against the sudden weight "Hey, hey, hey, Minho, get up, get up, up ,up, up" he mutters furiously, slightly slapping his cheek. "Wake up, hey, you still have to beat my ass at mario kart, okay? Great, up now." he lifts him up, "I'm getting you to the shower, okay?" he slaps his cheek again, supporting him by one hand and trying to get both of them to stand up again by the other hand.

"I'm messing up the carpet..." he says slowly, trying to step his foot where it should be "Huh? Didn't get that." Jisung grabs his chin to face him "Carpet-" "Oh fuck the carpet, come here." Jisung opened the door of the nearest bathroom and switched on the light.

He made Minho sit beside the basin top and squatted down on the floor. "I'm gonna take off your clothes, is that okay?" "Yeah" he took off one of his shoes. The soles were muddy and the shoes were soaked, plants could be watered if you wring them out.

Now that Jisung noticed, his clothes were dripping wet but had heavy splotches of mud here and there. Like he had been rolled into dirt after getting soaked.

He took off his shirt and trousers, leaving the guy in his vest and boxers. His arms had marks that would definitely turn blue the following morning and his left arm was still shaking like crazy as his right hand tried to get it under control.


Minho woke up that morning in a room that wasn't his own, and a bed that wasn't his own. His mind immediately wandered off to the worst possibility and he wandered his hand underneath the blanket. He was clothed, thank fuck.

He blinked a few times, taking in the surroundings, and trying to register his mind. He looked down at himself. He was clothed, but in a bathrobe?

The bed was made on the other side, and the curtains were drawn, the door was shut. He got up, still squinting around and trying to remember what the actual fuck had happened.

He walked to the window clumsily, and peeked through the curtains. He could see the front lawn, with rows and rows of rose bushes along the boundary. Which could only mean one thing.

"Fucking idiot." he slapped his foreahead "Why him, out off all people? Why him?" he continued cursing under his breath. He took a deep breath and opened the door, and was met with a stout person standing beside the door outside. He would've screamed if it weren't for the sore throat, honestly.

"Good morning sir, I will let him know you're awake." he gave him a bow and left. Minho knew he meant to inform Han, but he was stunned with awkwardness. What was he supposed to say anyway? 'Uh hey mate I don't know what happened last night but now I gotta bounce so, bye.'

He walked back into the room and sat down on the bed. Preparing for whatever that was coming.

The door slowly opened, "Did you sleep well?" Minho nodded "How are you feeling right now?" he sat down on the bed "My head's about to split apart, I'm sure." Minho robbed his forehead "I asked the helpers to get you some coffee, it'll be here soon." "Thanks..." Minho murmured "It's no biggie." Jisung scratched his nape.

Minho tried to avoid the awkward silence by counting the triangles on the ceiling. It didn't help.

"I'm really sorry, but I have no clue what happened last night. Could you maybe fill me in?" he asked groggily "You don't remember anything?" "I think after getting drenched, nothing. I don't even remember coming here." "Oh." was all Jisung could say.

Minho's eyes went wide "Wait, did something-" he pointed back and forth between the two of them "-happen?" Jisung jumped "GOOD LORD, NO." he held his hand to his chest "Nothing, absolutely not." Minho took a sigh of relief. His dad would've killed him.

A knock on the door announced the arrival of coffee, which Minho gladly accepted with gratitude. A single sip of that beautifully strong black coffee made him feel like half of his head had been mended in a second.

"Well I think you should tell me what happened prior to showing up here," Jisung said "Yeah uh," he squinted, memories from last night were nothing but flashes. "I was out, in a club. Probably made the mistake of not keeping an eye on my drink, got drugged." he tried to decipher more flashes.

"Oh yeah, got robbed, almost drowned, got beat up." he counted on his fingers "Yeah pretty much." Jisung nodded "Did I cause a ruckus?" he bit his lip "Oh no, none at all." "What, then?"

"Well you showed up at like half past two totally fucked. Dripping wet, hella muddy and uh," he paused, Minho looked at him in question "You were assaulted, it looked like they were trying to kill you."


"Well, can't blame them. A lot of people out there want me dead anyways." at any other situation, he would've signalled this taunt to Jisung but he couldn't, not today, when he was in his house, in his bed, drinking his coffee, from his mug, wearing his bathrobe.

"So, uhm I made you take a cold shower, and called the family doctor. He gave a couple antidotes and wrote a medical report, if you'd like." "What was it, the drug?" "Fentanyl." "Oh damn." "Yeah, damn."

Silence took over the room once again.

"Thank you for taking care of me, I'll just leave now." he tried to get up, but a firm grip on his arm restrained him. "No you won't. You're not okay right now." "I'm fine really, I can take care of myself." Minho argued.

"The doctor will take care of you." he scowled "But-" his soft warm hand gave a small squeeze to Minho's cold one. "Minho, stay."

Yeah no, he was defeated.

"Why are you being nice to me?" Minho sighed, fiddling with the bed spread. Jisung gupled "Doesn't matter, you're staying either way."

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