12 - F*** You

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In a world where the first words your soulmate says to you are imprinted on your arm

A/N I usually despise fics with age gaps but I don't entirely hate it in this one, plus Jisung is 18 so I hope that's fine.

Jisung questioned it everyday.

The stupid mark.

He was a free soul, he didn't settle. The adventure, the suspense and the fear that came with it all gave him the thrill. He liked figuring out a person over time and letting time unfurl their relationship.

So it seemed just about dumb that you'll be told who your soulmate will be. What's the fun in that? A mark on your arm, telling you the first thing your soulmate will say to you, and you'll automatically know.

It ruined it for him.

He had wished to explore, and meet people and finally having the liberty to choose who he'd like to share his heart with.

Most of the people he dated in his eighteen years of existence either left him because they found their soulmates, or they just lost interest because at the end of the day they knew it wasn't gonna last.

It threw him over the edge.

It would've been tolerable for him if his mark was something more decent, but of course it had to be the dumbest one to grace this planet. Some people had really obvious ones, like his parents. His mom's was "I'm Han Jipyeong" (IYKYK) and his dad's was "Nice to meet you, I'm Jinsung."

The first sentence five year old Jisung learnt to read was the one imprinted upon his arm, which read in simple black letters, "Fuck You."

Might as well imagine the distraught of his mother having to explain it to him that it was something he was not allowed to say.

Up until middle school, he was a sore believer that his soulmate was a mean person, who used such profanity more than to say it to him. But after the pre-teen angst teasing he faced from kids at school for his mark, he was done.

The nagging from people, the laughter, and not to forget the absolute astonishment people reacted with, it made him want to rip the wretched mark right off.

And in all honesty what type of person would say "Fuck You" as the first thing when they meet someone? His soulmate couldn't get any better. He hated them already.


"Do you wanna go clubbing tonight?" Felix murmured, still lying flat faced on the bed. "It's a school night." Seungmin poked him in the head "So whattttt," he groaned, finally getting up, his blonde hair dishevelled and running in all directions.

"I have a physics assignment due tonight," Jisung shrugged. "But I'm so heartbroken," Felix pouted, "I need something in my system." "Hyung to be fair," Jeongin sighed, putting a hand on his back "Y'all only dated for like three weeks,"

"It still hurts, Jeonginnie. That was the best dick I've ever had." he whined, slamming himself flat face in bed again.

"Lix, Jeongin's right, he's such a huge jerk, you know how he talked about you to his friends. He acted like he owned you or some shit." Seungmin sighed.

"I KNOW GOD." Felix screamed into the pillow. He took a breath, and flipped right side up to face the ceiling. "I knew we wouldn't last, and I hate him of course I do, but I hate myself even more that I'm here wallowing over him." he sniffled "I'm pathetic."

Jisung had had enough.

"Felix I love you but mate you've been whining for an hour over a guy that did not even respect you, this is so not done." Jisung got up, straightening his shirt. He shifted over to lay beside Felix, giving him a quick peck on the shoulder before jerking him up straight.

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