10 - Wedding Day Shenanigans

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(A/N I am heavily serotonin deprived and wanted some pizzaz so just bear with me okay? this is not my best work and could be so much better but i just wanted to get it out of my drafts)

Jisung dreaded social events.

For the past week he had been bugging his mom non stop about skipping the wedding, yet she would not budge. Something about respect and all,but its on his parents that Jisung would not shut up unless there was a negotiation, at the least.

"Tell me why," he had put down his cutlery "Ain't nothing but a heartache~" his sister interrupted beside him, he ignored her.

"I don't even know the guy, why do I have to go?" his mother sighed "He's your cousin, it's not about whether or not you know him, it's about manners." "As if he has any." Jia interrupted again, this time he snapped back. "Bitch can you spell 'manners'? You're just as worse as me."

"Language, Jisung." "You tell me, if not going to the wedding, what better would you be doing?" his father questioned "I have to study." he blurted out the first lie that came to his head.

Everyone stared at him.

"Yeah no that one's on me, sorry." Jisung shook his head.


Needless to say, he was not happy being there. However, one highlight of the day for him was at least that his outfit looked straight out off the runway. The dark blue suit complimented a monotone with his equally deep blue hair, paired with his silver jewellery and black nails that Jia happily painted as a prank but he wasn't annoyed by them too much.

The venue was a vineyard, a wedding gift from the groom's side to the bride. The light decor was stunning, and Jisung hadn't even seen the danceroom yet. He didn't even wish to spare a thought of how much they'd probably spent on the ridiculously light up flower ceiling.

He tiptoed to try and get a glance from afar, he pouted "They haven't opened the buffet yet," he looked at his mother, who rolled her eyes at him. "I see the Lees, let's go say hi." and off she dragged him along with her.

He almost whined, introductions were not his forte whatsoever.



He did physically stop at the sight "Oh boy," he whistled under his breath. The man in front of him was breath-taking, and he did take away Jisung's breathe, and he is sure that he knows how fucking hot he is.

A dark green suit, and a greek god like face cut - and oh my god a tattoo swiped across his neck.

Yes. Jisung could see the vision.

"Hey mum," he poked her side. "How about personal affairs with the Lees?" he whispered at her side.

She turned her next around so fast Jisung felt she might have just unscrewed her head off "You what?" she raised her eyebrows, she glanced in the Lee's direction again "Jisung honey she looks very young-"

"Not the kid ew mom what the hell." he scowled, jerking his head towards the brother "Oh." her body relaxed "Oh," she eyed their son up and down.

"Well I'm telling you son, you have spectacular taste." she winked at him through her glasses "Use protection, and an NDA." she ushered him forward.

Mrs. Han approached them and they exchanged friendly greetings, the ones that didn't seem to hide poison behind them.

Jisung felt shameless as he looked the guy dead in the eyes with not so pure motives, just next to their parents. But he knew, the other was starting to tingle up too.

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