Missing: Shehnaaz ??

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Still feeling like he had done the worst thing possible Sidharth avoided Shehnaaz as much as he could. Shehnaaz wasn't oblivious to what he was doing, she needed to talk to him to let him know that she was ok, the last thing she wanted was this to affect him in his studies.

Shehnaaz knocked on his door and waited for him to answer, she knew he was in there 'come on' she waited a few more second and then just walked in. Shehnaaz looked around and then saw him standing out on the balcony 'you mind if I join you?'

Sidharth turned around 'yeah sure...you ok?'

Shehnaaz stepped forwards 'yes I am...are you?

Sidharth let's out a sigh 'not really Shehnaaz I am... I don't know what happened and...'

'Sidharth...please stop' Sidharth looked up at her to see her smiling.

'I need to tell you something, maybe something I should have told you a long time ago but'

'what is it Shehnaaz Sidharth said quickly. Shehnaaz let's out a giggle, she didn't think she would have the courage to say what she was about to, but her knew found courage was because of Sidharth, her new life, her new found happiness, everything was because of this guy who stood before her, he was her saviour, and today he was the guy she had fallen truly, madly and deeply in love with.

Shehnaaz held out her hand on front of him, which he took and held securely in between his, she stepped closer and closer until there she could go no further. Shehnaaz steadied her racing heart as she took the plunge, she cupped the side of his face with her free hand and tip toed up to kiss his forehead just as he always kissed hers. As she came back down she stopped, taking one last breath in and without thinking about it anymore she placed her lips over his. Sidharth's eyes seemed to widen with surprise and at the same time smile.

Shehnaaz kept her lips over his until Sidharth started to kiss her back, and it didn't take long for that to happen. Slowly wrapping his hand around her waist he pulled her in and started to kiss her deeper. After their first passionate embrace they pulled back, Sidharth rested his forehead over hers and then at the same time the let out their hearts true feelings 'I love you' they said in unison. Sidharth and Shehnaaz stepped back and looked at one another, there was no words that could do justice to how they felt at this very moment in time. Shehnaaz wrapped her arms around him one more time, and this time she was going to make it last.

Being a mother Qamar knew there was something going on, she could see how all of a sudden her children started glow, they were always happy but there was something different about what their faces emanated.

'Ok you two out with it what's going on and don't you dare say nothing' Sidharth and Shehnaaz looked at one another and then towards Qamar

'Ammi...I...I mean we...'

'Sidharth I need to go... I will ride with Tia, see you later' Sidharth looked at her as if to say don't you dare leave, Shehnaaz gave him a wink 'good luck' she whispered and left before she turned into a beetroot with embarrassment. She felt bad for leaving Sidharth on his own but it was better for him to tell his mum.

'Sidharth, are you serious...beta...you and Shehnaaz..' Qamar was over the moon.

'yes Ammi really now that you know can I please go... I can't believe she ran off'

Sidharth came and wrapped his hand around her waist and pulled her back in to his hold 'you are going to have to pay for that wifey...that was not fair' Shehnaaz started to giggle, she turned around.

SidNaaz Saviour In The Dark (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now