Celestia's Orders [Venti]

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"You are to keep an eye on Barbatos in Mondstadt. Once your mission is accomplished, you will return to Celestia."

And that was how [Name] woke up next to Barbatos. Although he wore clothing that was more fitting for a bard. [Name] looked down to see their clothing resembling a citizen of Mondstadt's with some accents insinuating their origins. A being sent by Celestia to keep an eye on the gods.

He was still asleep so, [Name] tried to get up only to be pulled back by Barbatos. Moving away was useless at that point. "He won't budge at all!" [Name] thought. After what seemed like hours, he finally woke up and [Name] could breathe. They immediately move away from him.

"What a fine morning..." He looked towards them. "And who might you be? I don't think I've slept next to anybody that night." He added. [Name] sighed. "I'm [Name]. I was sent by Celestia to keep an eye on you. I have no clue as to why. I understand if you think I've lost my mind. I assure you, I have not." [Name] says. Barbatos simply nodded. "Why am I nervous?!" They shouted in their mind.

"Call me Venti." He stood up. "We should head back to Mondstadt, follow me." Venti took them by the arm and basically dragged them all the way to Mondstadt. [Name] takes in the calming feeling of Mondstadt once the two entered the gates. "This feels...new..." They looked around, watching the citizens do their usual routines. "I have to admit; the environment is better than Celestia's." [Name] said.
"I could get used to this." They were about to walk away when Venti took them by the hand and continued walking to Angel's Share. The two silently walked inside. [Name] looked around to see some people drinking, talking to each other and two of the bartenders serving drinks. One of them looked towards the two's direction. Venti took a seat in the bar stools. He patted a seat next to him so, [Name] hesitantly sat down. "I see you've brought a friend with you today." The redheaded bartender said. "Oh, we just-" "Yes I have! Two glasses of your finest Dandelion Wine please!" Venti chimed in.

As their drinks were being served, Venti began to chat with [Name]. "So, why did Celestia decide to send you here?" He asked. "I have no clue as to why and they only gave me vague orders. I have no idea what they want." [Name] answered. "Then, are you going to follow me everywhere I go?" "It depends. I could do some tasks without having to be with you. But most of the time, yes."
The two continued talking while sharing drinks. Venti continued to order more while [Name] didn't. They soon watched as he played his lyre at the stage. "Does he do this all day?" [Name] asked the bartenders. "Sadly, yes." "I can't believe I have to deal with this...and I thought this mission was going to be easy." They sighed in disappointment.

Once Diluc informed them of the bill, [Name] went ahead to look for work. If they were going to put up with this then they should at least get some mora to sustain both of them.

A new morning greets the two. [Name] was first to wake up. Stormterror's Lair had become like a makeshift home for the two. It was where they slept and where they would be whenever the two wanted rest. Any place could do as long as Venti had [Name] with him. Life wasn't as lonely as it used to be for the bard. Everyday, he woke up to see [Name] beside him. It had only been a week but, he had grown accustomed to it. "[Name]~ Can you help me braid my hair?" "Can't you do that yourself?" "Please~" "Fine."

A month or two passes by. Venti had quite the habit to cling onto [Name] while they would sleep and in general. [Name] had gotten used to these but it would be a whole new experience when he gets blackout drunk. [Name] had just finished their commissions from the Adventurer's Guild and were about to receive their payment for today. "Hey! Are you [Name]?!" A small floating person called out to them. A blonde female was with her. The two quickly approached them.

"Yes? What's the matter?" [Name] was concerned. "Thank goodness we found you! That Tone-Deaf Bard!" The floating creature was really annoyed. [Name] sighed. "Doesn't he know I do commissions every day?" They followed the two and entered Angel's Share. On the way, they had introduced themselves to each other.
"Tone-Deaf Bard!" Paimon shouted. "Traveler! Paimon!" Venti walked towards them. "Welcome back, my dandelion!" He embraced [Name]. "There is no need to call me by different names." [Name] responded. "Although your name is pleasant to my ears, I prefer calling you by something that resembles you more." Venti replied. [Name] only stared at him with a stony-faced look. "You've been gone all day! I was beginning to miss you." "Venti, you saw me this morning."

Three more months passed since their first meeting. [Name] was sitting down in Starsnatch Cliff admiring the view. After a long day of work, the wind's breeze was comforting but it doesn't compare to being with Venti. As much as [Name] denies it, they quite enjoy their time with him. "There you are my dandelion! I had a feeling you might be here." Venti surprises them with a hug. "I thought you were still performing? What's with the sudden visit?" [Name] replied. "I am simply recharging my energy for later." Venti moved closer. "You can take a nap. I can't just recharge you." "You wound me, [Name]."

"Since it's Windblume Festival, why don't you give a gift to your friend?" A female adventurer suggested. "Oh, I didn't notice..." [Name] replied. "C'mon you busybody! You should at least enjoy yourself a little." "If you insist...but what do I even give?" "Something of great importance to both of you of course, and don't forget your windblume too." The adventurer winked. [Name] was left with confusion once their acquaintance left. "I have zero clue on what she just said. And asking would just be stupid!" [Name] thought. "An item of great importance..." They thought.

At the end of the day, [Name] had thought of something. The only thing they were worried about was how to give it. They were not the best at gestures like these. [Name] ultimately decided to just leave it on their makeshift bed for him to find on his own. Once Venti had arrived, he went to their bed to rest but he found the small gift on the bed. "Is this for me?" Venti gestured to the gift. [Name] nodded and looked away. "Am I finally witnessing your confession, my dear?!" "I'll just make dinner." "How cold!"

The year was almost ending. [Name]'s feelings had grown for months and finally decided that they would cut ties with Celestia for this reason. But little did they know; the time was almost up. "You haven't visited at all today. I was beginning to worry that you had left." Venti sat down next to them. "I wouldn't. If I were to leave then I would say goodbye. But, that will be a long time." Both of them watched as the sun sets.

Laying down in their bed, [Name] stared at the ceiling. Somehow, they couldn't sleep at all. Venti was out like a light. [Name] tried to close their eyes but sleep didn't come at all. They sighed as they watched Venti sleeping peacefully. Slowly, Venti opened his eyes to see [Name] still awake. "Can't sleep?" "Did I wake you?" "Not at all, love."
Venti pulls them closer. "Tell me dear, what's bothering you tonight?" He asked. "Something feels..." [Name] took a breath. "Something doesn't feel right. I have a feeling that I'm going to leave soon. I...don't want to." They said. "Shh...nothing will happen. When you wake up, I will be here to greet you in the morning. So, put all your worries to rest my dandelion." Venti whispered as the two begin to fall asleep.

Morning arrives.

Venti was greeted by an empty bed.

He quickly got up and called for them but to no avail. [Name]'s worries had become a reality.

"[Name] has finished their mission, accept it Barbatos."

Once again, Barbatos was alone.
this took a while.
Well, there goes another friend. See you next chapter! :)

Okay, so maybe this one will get an alternate ending just because i can't get this one out of my head. The amount of fluff i could write on this one but this is an angst fic so maybe a separate one.

I may or may not make a xiao one next. We'll see what the spinning wheel says.

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