Your Caring Heart [Childe]

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Caring for others was second nature to [Name].

Having to care for all three of their siblings since childhood, [Name] learned to rely on themselves and raise three of their siblings, sacrificing their own life in the process. They could not relate to those who were younger siblings or only children but, they still loved the three rascals they called siblings.

[Name] had been chasing their brother all around the town. "I swear to The Tsaritsa if you don't come back here right now I'm not gonna let you play with your friend tomorrow!" [Name] shouted as they chased him and soon managed to chase them while bumping into someone in the process. "Ah! I'm sorry! Are you okay?" [Name] turned to apologize. They urged their brother to apologize as well.

"Oh, it's fine!" The person replied. Their brother immediately recognized the child next to the person. "Anthon!" "Matvey!" [Name] sighed for a moment. "Ah, this is my one and only older sibling, [Name]!" He introduced. "Matvey, that was not necess-" "This is my big brother, Ajax!" [Name] looked up to see a pair of blue eyes look at them. In response, they reached out their gloved hand. "It's nice to meet you, Ajax." "Nice to meet you too, [Name]."

Ajax decided to walk with the two siblings to their home. While their younger brothers were busy talking to each other. [Name] didn't talk much along the way. They were not willing to share much to someone who's a stranger to them. Upon reaching [Name]'s home, they were greeted by a worried Alyona who was waiting by the door, half-asleep.

"Yona? How long have you been out here? Didn't I tell you to keep an eye out on Ilya?" [Name] approached the girl. "Ilya's sleeping. You took too long! And who's that guy? Did he follow you from here? What should I do-" Alyona is interrupted by her sibling. "No, no, he's not a bad person, get back inside, you too Matvey, you can go play with your friend tomorrow." The younger ones enter the house, arguing over dinner.

"You didn't have to accompany us here, really." [Name] says, opening the door. "But thank you anyway." [Name] was about to enter the house. They thought for a moment and looked at the sky that was getting dark. "You two can stay for dinner, if you don't mind." Matvey seemed to have overheard this. "Really? Anthon, come in! You have to see this!" He exits the house to pull his friend inside while Alyona shouted at him not to touch her things. [Name] only shook their head.

"Come in, you'll freeze if you just stand there." They said with a smile on their face.
That household welcomed him with open arms. [Name] always treated him well whenever he comes by to visit, so he returns these favors in his own ways.

Ajax had come across [Name] who was gathering firewood. He startled them with a greeting which almost got him slashed with a hatchet. "For goodness sakes Ajax, at least give a warning before you talk to me. I almost killed you." [Name] puts the hatchet back on it's place in their belt. Ajax picks up half of the firewood that [Name] was going to carry. The walk was silent until Ajax decided to speak. "Don't you feel tired? I always see you working." He said. "Nope, the thought that my siblings will grow up and have a good life is enough to motivate me for a year or two." [Name] replied. "It's just my duty as the eldest." They added.

"But what about you?" Ajax asked. "Me? What about me?" [Name] questioned. "Who's going to have your back?" [Name] shrugged. "Then, I'll care for you!" Ajax declared. [Name] giggled at this declaration. "You don't have to!" They responded. "I'm being serious!" "Alright then, I'll have your back too, Pinky promise." "Pinky promise!" [Name] catches a snowflake in their hand after letting go of his pinky. "It's snowing again! I wonder if The Tsaritsa heard us." They said.

Once again, [Name] was taking a walk in the forest, looking for plants that their boss requested. While looking for said plant, they noticed something move in the shadows. Taking their hatchet out, they prepare to fight. All of a sudden, a wolf comes out and was about to pounce on them until someone had taken the hit for them. [Name] closed their eyes for a moment. Once they opened their eyes, they saw Ajax embracing them. "Ajax? Where did you come from?"

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