A Contract that binds You and I [Xiao]

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"By signing this contract, you are to do your task for the rest of your life. If one of you wishes to sever ties with one another, the contract will remain in stasis until one of you reawakens it."

[Name], the drifty adeptus. Blessed with the power to hear spirits and creating illusions. They were gifted an Anemo vision which helped them to control clouds which were used for illusions. Such soothing illusions were used to comfort mortals in their sleep and quell the spirits. [Name] guided these spirits to the afterlife with such kindness. Their abilities matched their personality.

A soothing voice that puts minds to rest, an appearance that reminds one of a sweet memory. [Name] had managed to attract another adeptus and they slowly fell in love. Fighting side by side and being by each other's side through hard times. It was truly a shame for them to have been alive in the Archon War. [Name] was raised by Guizhong and was closest to her among everyone else.
When [Name] caught wind of her passing, they were devastated. Avenging her was their only goal up until they witnessed their lover die in front of them. [Name] had gotten worse. Losing their master and lover at the same day had torn them down completely.

[Name] still pushed on for themselves and for their loved ones. They watched as Liyue was established. [Name] soon realized that mortals would often have a rough time sleeping. They had tested their abilities on a mortal suffering insomnia which had worked. From then on, they began to soothe mortal minds during the night. Their title had its reasons.

Evil spirits' voices were louder than that of lost souls. They would shout and scream in [Name]'s ears instead of whisper. Drifting away from reality was a way for [Name] to shut the voices out. The other adepti found them quite strange for doing so but they understood why soon enough.

Later on, Morax asked [Name] to sign a contract to help a certain Vigilant Yaksha with his karmic debt. This was a different level from their usual job. [Name] did not complain. After all, it was their job. Quelling spirits was part of it. Xiao knew the toll that it took on [Name]. Their ears were sure to suffer and they could die from it. Illusions were not difficult to make but the amount it would take for [Name] to do it to him were twice as much than what they usually do.

[Name] still had no complaints. They would not break a contract nor abandon a friend. They could not afford to lose another person. Although, the side effects were still unavoidable. Xiao can't bare to watch them continuously destroy themselves just because of him. So, he left and severed ties with them.

At first, it was hard for [Name] but slowly, they found their place in Qingce Village living as a mortal. They had a peaceful life, watching over the village at night and making sure the young and old get proper rest. [Name] found peace in this job but, they sometimes hoped to see Xiao again.

Xiao had overheard people in Wangshu Inn talk about a strange person from Qingce Village. Their presence was strange but soothing. The descriptions reminded him of an old friend. So, he went to find out for himself. Hiding in the dark, in the dead of night, he watched as clouds pass by the homes of Qingce Village. It could only be the work of [Name].

A tiny wisp passes by [Name]. "Is there something wrong? What's gotten you all panicked?" The wisp circled around [Name]. Loud noises began to pierce their ears. "That sound..." They covered one of their ears. "Could it be...Xiao?" He flinched at the mention of his name. "You don't have to hide from me...I'm not upset." Xiao hesitated at first. His initial plan was to see how they were doing and to leave immediately but, he couldn't help but miss being around [Name].

Eventually, he came out after [Name]'s third call. [Name] couldn't help but smile. "Still the same as ever I see." They spoke. "[Name]..." Xiao was speechless. He tried to find the right words to say but nothing came out. "Do you need my help again? There's no need to ask..." [Name] chuckled. "After all, it's my contract to you." Xiao sighed. "...It's been a while, [Name]." He said. "It has. I'm glad you're still okay." That same old smile. Xiao wanted to just embrace them but stopped himself. "I'll be leaving." Xiao left them alone.

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