Chapter Twenty

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It was pretty much a huge understatement to say that L's confession had unnerved me.

In less polite terms, that man had royally fucked me up. Everything in my head had been brought to a grinding halt and I was a hot mess. Ever since that night, it wasn't uncommon that I'd catch myself daydreaming - vivid fantasies about soft lips on mine, and a head of dark hair laying on my chest. To my humiliation, a couple members of the task force had mentioned that I seemed a bit distracted (and I just know L was smirking to himself when he overheard). I kept trying to play it cool as I usually would but, damn it, I was giddy and girly and— ugh, it was just disgusting. Usually I'd be recoiling with the amount of second hand embarrassment I was giving myself but I was very much not my usual self. These feelings weren't entirely new to me. I hadn't seriously dated anyone for well over a year but I wasn't out of touch with that side of my brain. And let's just say it didn't take a genius to tell I was showing all the major symptoms of a crush.

It was benign for the moment (well, I mean, I wasn't blushing and fumbling over my words every time the detective even glanced in my general direction) but I definitely felt weird. The tight coil of anticipation and excitement was steadily winding itself up like the slow climb on a rollercoaster. It felt thrilling, like a secret only the two of us knew and discussed in brief, knowing glances.

After the sex happened for the second time, I envisioned that we'd develop a FWB/stress relief sort of scenario. Never had I thought it would become anything more than just purely casual. And not even in my craziest LSD trips would I ever imagine that the world's greatest detective would admit to liking me. Did I even like him like that? Hard to tell.

For starters, I didn't even know what proper like-liking (the dreaded four letter L word) felt like. Love was a word I acknowledged and understood but I'd never truly related to it. I had no idea what to expect until it hit me. Had it even hit me yet? Fuck if I knew.

Secondly, the man was a complete and utter maniac. A man of mystery; a genius. Bold enough to blur the line between brave and suicidal. Yet, when he wasn't aiming to get himself or others killed, he was quiet, happy keeping to himself. Comfortable in the silences that others might consider awkward. He reminded me of myself in a sense. Growing up alone, I'd gone years without saying a word to anyone so moments of silence were a comfort to me. But, where I'd had a head start getting used to being around people and socialising, this was all new to L. This case, these circumstances, everything was so new to him. And props to him - because he was handling it like a pro.

I felt... proud, I guess? He was arrogant, sure, and that rubbed me the wrong way sometimes. But despite all his quirks and his bristly demeanor, I still really liked him. In some ways, his weirdness just endeared him to me more...

God, crushes were such bullshit. The name suited them perfectly; I really felt like I was being suffocated by my own stupid hormones.

As I sat, swirling my coffee and getting way too sidetracked by my digressing thoughts, Light perked up suddenly, gaining the attention of the detective sitting beside him at the desk.

"I've just found another one. The general manager of a bank - one of Yotsuba's biggest competitors. On September 7th, he slipped and fell on the stairs of his house and died instantly."

As it had turned out, my Yotsuba hunch was a bit more than just a hunch. Now, it had evolved into a lead. Nearly every victim who had died between the end of June up until now was somehow connected to the company. Criminals were still dying - though, not at a calculated rate like it had been with the first Kira - but the majority of deaths were high level associates and CEOs, all connected to Yotsuba one way or another.

L wheeled his chair over and Mr Yagami, appearing from behind, hummed thoughtfully, leaning over the computer. "The seventh... that was a Friday, wasn't it?"

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