Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Don't Move

    Su Cheng's strength?

    Su Xia thought for a moment, "What kind of strength is Su Cheng?"

    "The best match in the end of the world, what do you think?"

    Su Xia: "...So why does he need my protection."

    Moreover, Su Cheng's sudden injury was also on the bridge before . Doubtful, it feels like it was intentional.

    "How do I know I'm..." The system whispered something, but Su Xia didn't hear it clearly, and it said covertly again, "Whatever you do, you can send you back after completing the task."

    After it finished, There was a flicker in the air, and a child-like person stood in front of him with a serious expression on his immature face, "Listen, in the next time, you must not let him find out that you are not the real Su Xia, otherwise it will be considered a real Su Xia. I can't protect you either."

    Su Xia's gaze fell on the system faintly, "When did you protect me?" The

    system: "..."

    "What? You said that he hid his strength? Actually very strong?" Su Miaoci's stunned words rang out in the office.

    In front of him is Rachel.

    Leiqi lowered his head, and suddenly thought of the fear of being strangled by Su Cheng's throat that day, he suppressed his thoughts, "Yes..."

    Su Mianci stared at him for a while, before speaking coldly for a long time, "Okay, I understand, you can go first."

    A trace of unwillingness flashed in Lei Che's eyes, "Boss, don't you really plan to deal with Su Cheng? He is probably the group of people who planned before. It's very likely that he stayed by Su Xia's side just to take advantage of her, even if you don't think about Su should think about Miss Su Yan, right?"

    Hearing the words of Miss Su Yan, Su layer resigned her eyes. Something clearly flashed through the middle, and he said indifferently, "I have my own decision on this matter, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

    After that, he didn't say any more.

    And Lei Che naturally knew that he had crossed the line, struggled on the spot for a while, and finally withdrew, "Yes." The

    office fell into a clear silence.

    After a while, Su Mieci said lightly, "He's gone, come out." As soon as he finished

    speaking, Su Yan's figure came out of the back partition.

    When Su Yanci saw his daughter, his expression softened a little, "Yanyan, you heard what he said just now, what do you think about this matter?"

    Su Yan's charming face flashed a hint of hesitation and struggle. , " can do it as you see fit."

    Su Mianci was stunned for a moment, then laughed and looked at her with a deep meaning, "Very good, as expected of my daughter."

    He changed the subject and sneered, "Then proceed according to the original plan. How are you observing about Lan Si's affairs?"

    Su Yan frowned at the mention of Lan Si, "I can't see anything at the moment, he doesn't seem to have anything in his mind at all, my Mental power is useless at all."

    "How is it possible?" Su Sheci's eyes were a little condensed, "What about Su Xia? Can she remember the past?"

    Su Sheci was extremely satisfied with this daughter who came out halfway, and even It can be said that she has always been regarded as a proud and base heir.

The fake daughter stood up after having the healing ability [End Times]Where stories live. Discover now