Chapter 25

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Chapter twenty-five important deceased

    When Su Xia woke up again, Su Cheng was gone.

    She rubbed her eyes and went out, only to see Konoha.

    Although Konoha's face was still not good-looking, it was much better than yesterday. "Your abilities are exactly the same as hers."

    Su Xia was surprised: "She?"

    Konoha's cat pupils narrowed slightly and nodded, meaning: "The former healer."

    "Follow me."

    Su Xia suppressed her curiosity and quickly followed Konoha.

    This is just a temporary foothold, and Konoha took her to a more remote place.

    Just stopped, the surrounding vines rushed out instantly, and stabbed Su Xia fiercely without any hesitation.


    Su Xia was stunned for a few seconds, staring at her chest in astonishment.


    Blood spurted out, and the green glow on her body instantly flourished.

    Konoha pulled out his own vines, and Su Xia's heart also healed quickly.

    The speed visible to the naked eye made Konoha's cat pupils more complicated.

    Su Xia's heart tightened.

    Konoha returned all his vines and said coldly, "The reason why the healing power is called the useless power is not only because it has no lethality, but ... its reaction time and healing efficiency."

    "But why didn't you?"

    Su Xia took a step back: "I don't know either."

    She could clearly feel the pressure on Konoha. Sure enough, upon hearing this, Konoha smiled sarcastically. "This ability was originally only on her body. Now you say you don't know?"

    She stared at Su Xia and took a step forward, which made people feel more oppressive.

    "I heard that you didn't have supernatural powers before, right?"

    Konoha held a whip made of vines in her hand, her fingers were slender, and her skin was a cold white color that was not common in the end of the world, but Su Xia knew that she contained explosive power.

    She said softly, "What are you doubting?"

    Konoha's eyes were cold, "There is a way to take away other people's abilities. Her accident was exactly a year apart from your appearance."

    Her voice was cold, The eyes that looked at Su Xia were full of suspicion.

    Su Xia suddenly smiled, "Are you questioning me, or are you questioning Su Cheng?" As

    soon as she finished speaking, Konoha's cat pupils narrowed suddenly, and she slapped the ground with a whip, "Shut up." In

    her heart It is also very clear what kind of person Su Cheng is.

    [Host, according to her strength, you are likely to be beaten to death by her whip before the ability is triggered. ] The voice of the system sounded at the right time, "In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, I suggest you run away quickly."

    Su Xia glanced at the cracked ground.

    The atmosphere was sluggish, and I don't know how long it took before Konoha took a deep breath, "You are lucky."

The fake daughter stood up after having the healing ability [End Times]Where stories live. Discover now