Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 Xia Xia's ability has been upgraded again

    Sister Chen's eyes were a little complicated. She glanced at Su Xia, "Give me the seeds."

    Su Xia glanced at Su Cheng subconsciously, and then brought the seeds out of her body.

    In order to prevent Su Cheng from being suspicious, she only brought out one.

    Their last action was to look for seeds. She said that she picked it up casually, so it should be fine, right?

    These seeds have just been issued by the system and are relatively fresh.

    Sister Chen glanced at it and didn't suspect anything, then took a deep breath, slender fingertips dancing on the seeds.

    The pale yellow fluorescent light suddenly appeared and sprinkled on it, and the seed gradually grew a bud.

    The wood element is a very miraculous ability, and Su Xia was amazed by it.

    But the buds only appeared for a few seconds, and they were short-lived and withered in an instant.

    Su Xia was also stunned.

    "Have you seen it clearly?" Sister Chen withdrew her hand lightly, her tone calm.

    See clearly.

    Su Xia's heart sank slightly, and she questioned from the bottom of her heart, "This is what you said about planting rice?"

    System: "QAQ, host, it is because there is no rice in the last days that you will be allowed to grow rice..."

    Su Xia burst into tears rise.

    But she calmly and rationally returned to her own words, "As the head of the base's catering, our goal is to create miracles." To

    create miracles?

    Sister Chen's eyes were sarcastic, "Do you think we haven't thought about it?"

    "In the fourth year of the apocalypse, there are many supernatural beings who are born and die for us. As the most useless wood type and healing type, are we so cold-hearted? No guilt for anyone else?"

    "Everything we have today was bought by them with their lives. We once thought of creating miracles. Even mutant melons and fruits could not solve the problem of food and housing for so many people in the base. We also thought about ripening rice, and I once had the water-type ability person accompany him."

    "But what about the back?" Sister Chen's face was cold, and she squeezed out every word from her teeth, "What's the use of it later? We are just wasting the power of the water-type power user. The rice eventually withered, and the wheat that was planted. It's all been dried in the sun... Have you ever experienced that feeling of trying but not getting it?"

    Her words were excited, and Su Xia was shocked.

    She was silent for a moment, "So you gave up, didn't you?"

    "Go plant it!" Sister Chen glared at her.

    "But at any time, if you give up if you encounter a little difficulty, you are destined to fail, right?" Su Xia said.

    Sister Chen was taken aback.

    There was a bitter arc on her lips.

    Could it be that she wants to give up...

    But she has done everything she can, and it is of no use at all.

    Sister Chen closed her eyes in pain.

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