Chapter 22

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Chapter 22 Man is the end of the world

    Zombie King!

    Regardless of whether what Sister Chen said was true or not, her words still shocked everyone.

    "But this is just a rumor, we have never taken this as a thing... and the spiritual power user has never appeared after that, so we have always regarded it as an ordinary rumor... "

    Sister Chen originally thought it was a drug used to enhance supernatural powers, but she didn't expect it to be a poison that would send people to hell...

    She said, tears were about to fall again.

    The atmosphere fell into silence, and Su Xia took a breath: "If Su Yan really wants to raise the Zombie King, then all these zombies are used to serve him?"

    Su Cheng: "Not necessarily."

    Lan Si calmly added: "Maybe it's feeding."

    As soon as the voice fell, a violent roar came from the ground, with shocking power.

    Several people looked at the direction of the sound at the same time.

    It was a monster...

    a monster with sarcomas all over its body, huge in size, with countless pieces of fabric hanging on its body, it was the clothes on Su Mieci's body before.

    "Is Su Yan crazy? Raise her father as a zombie king?" Su Xia was shocked.

    Zombies covered with sarcoma obviously found their direction and rushed towards them rampantly.

    Lan Si was the first to react, and the thin figure stood at the front, and his hand quickly condensed into a ball of flames, slamming into the direction of the zombies.

    The fireball was huge, and it looked like it was about to hit the Zombie King. There seemed to be a gleam of light flashing in its gray-white pupils, and then it flashed violently, and it was able to escape.

    Immediately afterwards, he appeared in front of Lan Si.

    Lan Si's pupils dilated, he almost had a premonition that death was coming, and closed his eyes subconsciously.


    The first thing that caught his ear was an astonishing explosion.

    He opened his eyes, and happened to see a tall and straight figure standing in front of him, and his slender and white fingers condensed into a wall in front of him.

    Su Cheng said in a cold voice: "Where did you come from, where do you go back?" The

    commanding tone just fell, and the sky was like a cage, and its location was blocked.

    Su Xia was stunned.

    How strong is Su Cheng?

    That's a zombie king...

    As soon as she thought about it, she heard the zombie king roar again, as if she was unwilling and wanted to escape.

    But as soon as he touched the boundary of the air, he could feel a powerful mental force almost piercing the meninges.

    Several times in a row, there was no breakthrough, and it obviously realized something.

    Finally settled down.

    Everyone present breathed a sigh of relief, and Sister Chen was even paler. She stumbled and paced among the zombie corpses, looking at the familiar corpses, her heart was cut like a knife.

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