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FOR the second time that day, all eyes were on Elexia and Rosalie as they walked into Chemistry together. The attention was not something the human girl welcomed, feeling quite insecure with so many eyes on her. When they sat, Rosalie made sure to sit close to her.

Mrs. Herbert was quick to slap packets onto each desk in the room, telling them to work quietly for the class, as they had a test the next day and needed to review.

It was silent and Elexia had to fight herself to resist the urge to look over at Rosalie. She wondered if she was looking at her too.

Rosalie was fighting a similar internal battle, resisting the urge to wrap an arm around Elexia's waist or reach over and grab her hand.

Elexia was the first to give in, glancing over at Rosalie; who was, indeed, looking at her too - a soft smile on her face. It was one that she always had when looking at Elexia.

It was hard for Elexia to focus on answering the questions in her review packet, knowing that Rosalie was right next to her, less than a few inches away from her. There was something today that felt so intense and overwhelming.

After what felt like an eternity of her brain screaming at her, Mrs. Herbert clapped loudly, declaring that time was up. Elexia sighed immediately. She had no faith that she got any answers right on the packet and she hoped that they weren't asked to turn them in.

"I won't ask you guys to turn these in," Mrs. Herbert began, earning unanimous noise of relief from every student, "but, I do expect to see everyone focused tomorrow when you come in. Remember, you're only hurting yourselves if you don't study." The bell rang the second she finished speaking.

"I'll walk you to Gym," Rosalie stood with Elexia, who only nodded at her.

They quietly walked to Gym, neither of them sure what to say to the other. Wordlessly, Rosalie stopped in front of Elexia and leaned forward to press a soft kiss to her forehead.

She walked away before Elexia could react or speak; leaving her stunned and flustered as she walked to her lone chair all the way in the far corner of the gymnasium. Class was over before she knew it - the only class to actually go by quickly all day - and Bella was walking over to her after getting changed out of her gym clothes.

"Lex, I don't think I can hang out right now, but I can stop by in maybe a half hour, if that's okay?"

"Yeah, no worries," Elexia sincerely smiled and stood up as Bella walked out of the gymnasium and met with Edward. She hoped Rosalie was waiting for her.

Her anxieties of being alone washed away when she saw Rosalie there waiting for her once again. She couldn't help the smile that broke out on her face.

"What's got you all smiley, huh?" Rosalie asked, a matching smile on her own face.

"You," Elexia and Rosalie were both shocked at her sudden honesty.

Rosalie winked at Elexia's embarrassment and gently took her arm, leading her to the parking lot.

The car ride to Elexia's house was quiet and quick, thanks to Rosalie's maniac vampire driving.

It was when they finally got out of the car that Rosalie spoke. "So, when is your next doctor's appointment?"

"Wednesday." Elexia answered as Rosalie walked her to the front door.

"Let me know how it goes,"

Elexia nodded with a small smile and opened the door, waving goodbye - reluctantly - to Rosalie for the day. By the time she closed the door and checked the window, Rosalie's BMW was long gone and a melancholy sigh left Elexia's lips.

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