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46. If it involves doing something wrong, it isn't right.
If it involves something right, you did it wrong.

47. If Dr. Bright has to ask, it's above his clearance level.
If it's above Bright's security clearance... run.

48. Dr. Bright is not allowed to declare war on any country, thing or person.

49. Foundation credit cards or expense accounts are not to be used to purchase pornography.
Not even anomalous pornography.

50. Dr. Bright is not a "marital aid" and cannot refer to himself as such. Especially on official documents.

51. Dr. Bright is not the Lord of Rodly Might.
And is hereby banned from playing Dungeons and Dragons making use of SCPs to 'simulate the real danger.'

52. Dr. Bright is not allowed to go to fan conventions.
Let alone use them as recruitment drives.
Especially not at Furry Conventions.

53. When writing a report, more detail is expected than "Object class: Keter. Special Containment Procedures: [DATA EXPUNGED]. Description: [DATA EXPUNGED]."
And inventing new security clearances just so nobody can see what you've written is also considered poor form.

54. Showing Monty Python episodes to SCP-239 was not a wise decision. Please never try this with any other reality warping SCP.

55. Dr. Bright is not allowed to have a secret fight club with the anomalies in the Foundation ever since he watched the movie "Fight Club."

Things Dr. Bright Is Not Allowed To DoWhere stories live. Discover now