no one ever asked me til you pt. 1

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tw/cn: alcohol, cigarettes, sexual assault, sh (self harm), age-gap, mention of daddy issues
(this is the typical „your life is so fucked up and gee saves you"-thing, i'm sorry, idk, why i wrote this)

pls read!
so I'm from germany, where it's legal to drink beer and wine at the age of sixteen (huh, but many teenagers do it even before that, I started at 14/15) and other alcohol at the age of eighteen (which I also consumed at 15). my relationship to alcohol is probably very different to yours, especially if you're from the US, so I'm really sorry, if it scares you, feel free to skip this oneshot, if you want to.
In this story, y/n is in the US, so it's not legal before you reach the age of 21.

my life is fucked up. I don't feel like finishing school, it just stresses me and everyone ignores me anyways, even the teachers do (nope, gee's not gonna be your teacher, shut up 'bout that). My parents and I always get into fights about literally anything. I forgot to put my plate into the dishwasher? You're such an dissapointment and will never make anything!
I get home, run straight into my room and break down, crying on my bed.
„Y/n, dinner's ready!", your father shouts. I wipe off my tears and get down the stairs. Making him mad, by not showing up, no good idea, especially if you think of the screwed up class test in your backpack.
You sit down at the table. „How was school, y/n?", your dad asks you. Your mother has a full-time job and can't work from home, while your dad can. „Like always, what do you expect me to say?", I respond, rolling my eyes. Like there would ever be something actually interesting going on in school. „Well, did you get back any class tests, did one of your teachers set a table on fire again, something like that?", your father says. You smile a little bit, thinking of that one time, when Mr Johnson (sry, if that's your actual last name), your biology teacher, accidentally set a table on fire and the fire alarm went off. That really was a mess. But then you think of your class exam and suddenly stop smiling. „No, nothing.", you lie. You don't want to discuss about it right now, since the school took away all your energy. „Y/n, I can see, that you're lying, you're very bad at it.", your father says, suddenly in a very strict tone. You look down and mumble something. „What?", your father asks again. „Well, eventually we had this math exam last week, that no one told me about, because it was announced when I were sick and we got it back today, but I promise, I didn't knew about it and couldn't prepare.", I say. I hated it. Always being the Misfit, no one telling me about stuff like this.
„Y/n, how many times we have told you, it's our responsibility to ask your friends-"
„Which friends? The ones, who always ignore me or pushed me into the crash cans several times?", I interrupt my father, as he speaks. I can't avoid my voice suddenly getting angrier.
„Classmates then. And yes, we know about your problems with them, but you still have to ask them, we can't do it for you."; he continues.
„What do you and mom even know about my life? When did you ever try to help me?", I scream, getting up.
„Y/n, please sit down.", my father says, now also in an angry tone.
„No!", I scream, running up the stairs. I just couldn't stay calm after this day.
I smash the door of my room. My father may be right, but I really wish, he would understand my situation a little better and respect that...
„Y/n, come down immediately!", I hear an ebene angrier voice, shouting through the house. My mothers voice. When she comes home from work, she's always super stressed out & that's when our conflicts really blow up.
I need to get out of here.

I put on an „hot" outfit and some make up, even tho it's cold outside (like late autumn), grab my purse, my headphones, my phone and it's charger, my pocket knife, my keys and a lighter, put on my docs, my leather jacket and jump out of the window (our room is on first floor).  I land in our backyard, with the dry leaves crunching under my feet, i sneak out.

On Google Maps I look for a club or something similar near me. I pick one out and start walking in it's direction. As I pass a cigarette vending machine, I suddenly feel a very strong desire to smoke again.
It's already getting dark, but everywhere are people, joking and laughing with their friends, it's friday, so everyone is going to parties, to get drunk and laid. I'm not standing out, except of the fact, that I am alone.

I'm 16, but I look way older. While I stand in line for getting in the club, I already get hit on by a dude, who's at least in his late 30s. I may have daddy issues, but not like that, besides that, this dude is absolutely not my type. But then I notice, that he could be useful to me. I grab his hand and he looks very surprised, but happy. When the bouncer sees us, he just beckons us in, probably we look like a couple and the older guy passes as old enough, so he thinks, I am too and just stayed young. This always works.
„Do you have cigarettes?", I ask him.
„Sure", he says, handing me a whole box of them.
„Thanks", I say and light one of them. I took a deep drag.
„I could get us drinks, what do you want?", he asks.
„A Piña Colada, thank you", I responded, taking another drag.
(a/n: I've never tried it, but I looked up for typical alcoholic beverages in the US on the internet and this came up to me and sounded tasty, that's why i used it.)
I may had passed the bouncer, but it already had happened to me, that the bar tender asked for my ID card and threw me out then, so if he got the drinks, it would be safer for me. While I was waiting for him to come back, I checked my phone. 10 missed calls, 8 messages. Damn it, my parents already had found out, I had left. I texted them.

y/n: „it's friday, i'm sleeping at my friends house. I told you two days ago"

I was sure, they wouldn't remember me saying that, because i never did, but I also knew, they'd be ashamed for not remembering, so they wouldn't tell me, that they could not remember.

dad: „ which friend?"
y/n: „(random name) from my art class"
dad: „you said, you had no friends"
y/n: „ it's not really a friendship. but we're working together for an art project, we have to take pictures at night, so this seemed like the best option."
dad: „‚okay, I'll tell mom, but we're still going to talk about your grades an everything, if you're back. have fun now."

that was close, but it always was easy to trick my parents, they were happy about every social contact I had.
The random dude retuned, handing me my Piña Colada. He got a Jack Daniels for himself. I took a sip, while I squeezed the rest of time cigarette on the table, throwing it in the ashtray.
„what's your name by the way?", he asked me.
„y/n", i responded, with a cold tone. Now, that I had my drink, I didn't need him anymore, because after this, he would expect me to start something with him.
„I'm Roger, CEO of a bing company", he said. „What do you do for a living?", he asked me, getting closer and putting one of his arms around me.
I didn't like that. I had hooked up with some older dudes, but he defenietly was too old and also it made me uncomfortable, since he was more than twice my age.
„Assassin.", I said, making a dead serious face.
„Hahaha, I like you, you're funny.", he said and laughed.
„Who said, that I'm joking?", I responded.
His smile abruptly stopped. „Wait-, what, why are you flirting with me then?", he stuttered.
„You tell me.", I said, staring into his eyes. He quickly removed his arm.
„Wait, who gave you this job? I swear, i didn't do anything, really.", he said, walking backwards.
„Run", I said and he really ran away.
gosh, this dude really was dumb. I felt a bit sorry, but on the other hand he hitted on a minor. Even tho I looked older, it was obvious, that I was at most in my early 20s. This is gross. He'd probably go for even younger girls.
I took his glass, which was still full and exed the whole Jack Daniels. At least, he had been useful for something.

After I also finished my drink, I lighted another cigarette. I slowly felt the alcohol ignite it's effects, I felt free, light and happy.
After I had finished the cigarette, I started dancing, since this was a rock'n'roll club, there was good music playing.

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