no one ever asked me till you (pt. 3)

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The cold air outside immediately made me shiver. I definitely wasn't dressed for that occasion.
„You're cold?", Gerard asked, standing next to me.
Eventhough it was more of a conclusion than an actual question, I shook my head. But they had already took of their jacket.
„I'm not cold.", I responded, clenching my teeth to keep them from chattering.
Gerard wrapped his jacket around my shoulders with a little smirk on his lips.
„Better, ain't it?", they asked.
I just nodded, looking down on my feet.
„Okay, y/n, where do you want to go?", they asked.
„I-... I'm not really sure. There's a nice park near here, we could get there, i guess?", I muttered.
„Yes, sounds nice, let's get there! You lead.", they agreed.

We started walking, past some other clubs and bars, past some shops, but of course they all were closed, over a bridge and then we finally entered the park. Gerard giggled. I gave him an asking look. They were pointing on a sign that was attached to the fence.
„Access to this park is restricted between 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m" it was saying.
„Okay, do you mind?", I questioned. „I've been here plenty times at those times and never got caught. I don't think, they're even checking it."
He shook his head, following me in. I knew exactly where I wanted to get. There was a pond in the middle of the park, surrounded by trees, probably one of the most beautiful places I had ever seen. The park was small, so we got there fast.
I sat down on a bench and patted next to me to indicate them to sit down as well.
We sat there for a while, not talking at all, just staring at the reflection of the moon on the water's surface. I rested my head on their shoulder. „I could fall asleep, right here, it's so comfortable and I feel save.", were my thoughts when I started gliding into sleep.

*little time skip*

„Y/n? Are you still awake.", I heard a voice whispering, right next to me. I jumped a little, then I looked at them. I was so confused, how the hell did I get here, who is th-, oh right. I had a fight with my parents, got to a bar, pulled off a guy's cancer sticks, got drunk, met- uhm, what's their name again? -Gerard, right. Then we talked, he helped me to the bathroom, spilled my drink, apologised, I broke down crying in his arms for him apologising, then we got he-
„Y/n? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I just got tired too and was asking you, if you have a place for the night and if I could help you dropping you off there."
My thinking was cut off by them. A place for the night. Shit. I hadn't put my mind on this the whole night. Going back to my parents wasn't an option since I lied to them earlier, telling them I'd sleep at a friends house. I didn't had any friends where I could stay, especially not showing up there at this time. I could just lay under a tree, right here, in this park, it wouldn't be that much of a thing, I had done that before. I slowly shook my head.
„You don't have a place for the night?", they carefully asked, trying not to scare me again.
„Uhm...", I mumbled, then nodding.
„Oh, okay... I mean, if it's not bothering you, you could stay at my place for the night or we could find you a hotel room or something, I just won't let you sleep on the sidewalk, that's for sure."
I felt the urge to start crying again. He actually cared about me that much already.
„Y/n, are you okay? You know, you don't have to stay at my place if you don't want to, I'd understand, you've barely known me for a few hours. I could pay the hotel room for you, if you can't afford it. It wouldn't be a problem for me.", they said.
This send me over the edge and I started crying again. I reached out my arms and he pulled me in for a tight hug again. They held me like this for quite some time, before they let go a little to wipe off my tears with his sleeve.
„I'd really like to stay at your place for the night, if that's fine for you.", I sobbed.
„Of coursed, I wouldn't have offered it, if it wouldn't be fine for me.", he smiled.
We got up from the bench and stopped hugging but they kept their arm around my waist and I kept mine around theirs.
We started walking, Gerard led and at one point I just gave up trying to keep the way we were walking in mind. I was too tired and still a bit tipsy.
We had walked for around twenty minutes, when Gerard carefully let go of me to pull out their keys. They unlocked the door and held it open for me. Then he started to walk up some stairs and unlocked another door. After we got in, he walked straight to their kitchen. I slowly followed them and when I entered, he offered me a glas.
„What is this?", I asked, grinning.
„Water, fresh from the tab, please drink it so you won't be hungover that bad tomorrow."
„Oh, and how do I know there are not any roofies in it?", I asked, now smirking. I was joking around with him, I already trusted him.
„Well, first of all, you take me to an empty park, then decide to stay the night over at my place and now you don't trust me with some tab water. If I would have planned doing something, I would have had plenty of opportunities already. And second...", they snatched after my glas, pouring it's contents into the sink and then re-filling it with tab water, handing it to me.
I grinned, slowly sipping the water. After all the alcohol, the smoking and the crying, it felt like the best drink EVER. It was so refreshing and at the same time so usual and boring... But in a good way. After I had finished it, I yawned. He yawned too.
„Yawning is contagious.", I giggled, yawning again. Gerard laughed too.
„You don't have any sleeping clothes, have you?", he asked.
„Nope, unfortunately there was not space for it in this." I chuckle, pointing to the pockets of my leather jacket.
„Okay, let me get you some of mine then."
While I wait for them to return, I take a closer look to the walls of his kitchen. Some family pictures, some with his friends or something like than, some posters of some bands like the misfits, queen and-
„Y/n, what do you think?", I hear them, suddenly standing in the door frame again. I spin around and look at the clothes he is holding up. A black shirt and some black sweat pants. Seems like we have a similar taste in clothes too. I smile and give a thumbs up. He throws them over to me, I catch them.
„Oh, the bathrooms right over here, you can change there.", he explains, pointing on to a door.
I enter in and change into the clothes. When I take off the two jackets I'm wearing (yeah, we still have Gerards on too), my eyes stick at my sh scars.
He's going to see them.
I look around but there's nothing to cover them up that fast. So I decide to put on my leather jacket again, hoping he won't mind.
Oh boy, was I wrong.
When I leave the bathroom, Gerards already expecting me.
„Those really look good on you!", he glances. „But you're not planning to keep on that jacket, do you?" He raises his eyebrows, giving me a questioning look.
„Uhm...", I mutter. I really don't want to explain. I can't explain. „I'm cold...", I try to argue.
„Oh, I'll just give you one of my hoodies then.", Gerard says, stepping towards me and trying to take of my jacket.
„No, no, just let me keep it o-", I start, but he already has pulled off the jacket, revealing my arms.
„Y/n..." He pulls me in for a hug again and I start crying for the third time in a row.
I barely notice how he lifts me up, carrying me to a room, his bedroom I guess, since it has a bed in it and an open closet, filled with clothes just like his. He lays me down on the bed, covering me with his blanket.
„I'll sleep on the couch, it's fine. I'm really sorry for making you cry again...", he says, already walking out of the room.
„Gerard...", I say with cracks in my voice. They turn around.
„Could you... Could you please stay with me? Right here in this room? Please... You were not the reason I started crying, it's, uhm, way more complicated.", I whisper.
„Of course, y/n." With these words he enters the room again, picking up some sleeping clothes for himself and just putting them on right in front of me. I somehow can't stop staring at them the whole time.
„Ouhh, what was that", he smirks. I notice they've stopped chancing and just stare back at me as I did a few seconds ago on their... well... yk...
My face turns red instantly and I look down. They climb into the bed, right next to me, then lift the blanket and slip under it too.
„You're cute when you blush by the way.", I hear him chuckle, I can't see his face since he has turned off the lights.
„Uhm... This may come across very weird, but, uhm, would you mind to spoon me?", I ask, not sure if it is appropriated, but I just feel like it.
„I was going to ask you the same thing, since there is not much space in this bed.", he responds while getting closer to me and finally putting one of his arms around my waist. I feel their warm breath on my neck and can hear the sound of their heart beat. This really is comfortable. I start gliding to sleep.  

A/N: so this also was NOT the last chapter. I hope you liked it and I'll write the rest of the story as soon as I get the time for it :))

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2022 ⏰

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