Chapter 46 - Sage..?

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By the time my aunt Stella was back with the bathtub and the water, it wasn't only raining but thundering as well. I don't know if the weather was trying to compare to my mode or if this somehow resembled my mother's fool temper making itself known from the heavens above, but either way, it was very accurate with how I felt.

Aunt Stella settled everything in the room and helped me start washing Blaze, although soon I was doing it all on my own. Blaze fussed a lot in the bath and managed to splash me. She hates the first moments of being put in the tub though she normally calms down after a bit, something that wasn't happening today.

But I get her. Who would like to be washed in public?

My father hasn't stopped looking at us, and only Diesel had the decency of turning his back and looking through the window to give us some privacy. And, of course, my aunt is beside me just in case I need her help.

I finished bathing Blaze and wrapped her in a soft towel, taking her to my bed to put a diaper on her and dress her.

"Now, I just need to feed you, and you're good for a nap." This is the hard part. Sometimes she latches on well and eats until her belly is full, other times, she fusses a lot, doesn't want to latch, shakes her head, and hits me before she drinks a bit of my bottled milk with added calories.

"Are you sure you don't want my help?" Sin has been hovering over me since he put the jacket over my shoulders. The man doesn't get tired of being rejected!

"No-" Just then, before I finished closing her diaper, Ziva filled it with light brown diarrhea.

"You can change her diaper," I told him and handed him a new diaper, leaving right after to go sit back on the couch.

I looked towards the window, watching the weather outside when my brother's reflection caught my attention. He had his face all scrunched up and looked a bit pale.

Don't tell me he's like that because of Ziva's smell. It's true that she smells bad, but I don't think it's bad enough for him to look like he's about to get sick.

"Excuse." Diesel muttered, looking towards me, and rapidly left the room while fanning himself with his hands.

"Is he leaving because of the poo?" I asked, amused.

"Probably. But I don't know why he's making such a fuss. He smelled ten times worse, and he used to shit himself all the way up to his neck." Father commented and finished dressing Ziva.

"You changed her quickly," I noted. I usually take ages changing her poo-filled diapers. For one, they smell terrible, and two, she doesn't stop squirming while I do it.

"I'm a professional." He bragged. "Your mother would always hand me your brothers when they pooped, saying that since I made two boys in a go, I could change their smelly diapers. But this little princess is an angel and stayed still for grandpa to change her. Didn't you, my lovely?" He cooed at my daughter and carefully cradled her in his arms, softly pecking her forehead.

Ziva laughed at the silly voice my father used on her and smiled big, showing us all her toothless gums. It was a funny sign to see such a big ruthless-looking man cuddling a tiny baby. Aunt Stella took a photo of them and sent it to me.

Soon after that, I don't know how, but I fell asleep on the couch with a smile on my face.

"Is it safe to come in? Diesel warned me the baby had delivered a stinky bomb in the room." A voice faintly said.

"Don't say such crap about your niece. She's a princess, and princesses don't stink. You were the stinky ones." Dad chastised the owner of the voice.

"You can come in." Aunt Stella told the guy.

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