9 ) Drill Finger

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"Season 1. Episode 6."

Henry Danger.

We run up to the glass door as quickly as possible with our news following in our trails. The moment we reach the door Henry break checks me with his legs to open the door, with me slamming my face right into his back.

I wince and rub my face in agony, trying not to laugh from the embarrassment. Henry looks back at me with a sorry look and Charlotte looks like she's biting back a laugh she had for years.

I glare at her, rolling my eyes. "It's okay, you can laugh."

My que sends her hollering of laughter behind me. I grumble, pushing Henry into the doorway so that I can get through.

As we enter Junk N' Stuff, we see my dad already up on this floor, although it looks like he's about to leave.

"Dad! We got to talk to you." I yell to the man, attempting to make him stop.

"This is important." Charlotte adds on.

Dad sighs, stopping where he's going before he walks back over to the counter to face us.

"There's a creepy new kid at our school." Henry said while out of breath. We did practically run over here, right when the bell at school rung.

"Ugh, can we talk about it downstairs? Gooch's juice smells." Dad grunted in annoyance. Charlotte and Henry agreed but I stayed behind to see what this machine Gooch has, does.

I watch them stumble to the back room, listening to the sound of the elevator shooting down.

I turn my head to Gooch, giving a smile to him. "What is this?" I grab the cup with a weird liquid in it and sniff it cautiously. My nose scrunches at the stench.

"Juice. Taste it." He nods to me in a gesture. I scan his face with suspicion, then slowly bringing it up to my mouth with much hesitation.

I gag mid drink out of disgust, pulling the cup away as far away from we as possible then slowly pulling a bandage out of my mouth. My jaw drops.

"Good God, that's a band-dude!"  Gooch gets closer to the artifact with concern lacing over his face. His plant screeches at us, but my mouth is still wide open from the bandage.

"Why is there a bandage in that drink!?" I set the cup down on the counter angrily, trying not to vomit.

"It's a garbage juicer." Gooch point his finger at the big machine beside us, then pulling it into a hug.

My stomach churns more than before. "I think I'm going to get sick..." I cover my mouth with my palm before rushing over to the elevator. I click the button to the man cave and sit down on the elevator floor, revolted and hugging my knees into my chest.

Once the elevator hits the floor, I pick myself up and walk out the door with a stumble.

"Hey, guys." I weakly wave as I stride to the auto snacker. "A cup of water." I spoke into the machine.

Henry shoots his head my way, raising a brow at the scene. "Hey, Y/N. What's up with you?"

I curl my lip, bring the cup of water up to my lips. "Gooch's garbage juicer." I take a sip of the cold liquid, relief filling me quickly.

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