22 ) Our Plan

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"Season 1. Episode 16."

Henry Danger.

Dedications ;;

"So, what's the plan?" I ask Charlotte before she picks her notes out of her book bag. She scatters the random jotted down notes across her bed sheets, showcasing them all to me.

"Okay, so the 1st plan is—" I cut her off by shooting my hand up in the air in front of her face.

I wince. "There's more than one plan...? Just give me your best one, Char." I bring my hand down, scooting the sheets of paper closer to her.

She glares at me before mumbling to herself angrily as she shuffled through the papers. "Aha! This one!"

I cross my legs and look down at the sheet to read along in my head. I tuck my hair behind my ear before it falls further down my face.

She clears her throat. "You could say you have an ex going to the party and you plan on getting payback on them, so next time Henry brings up club soda you can suggest going with him sense he wants to get back on Bianca as well."

My jaw drops, how could I not of thought about that?

I clasp my hands together in a cheer, my cheeky smile reflecting at her. "That's amazing!"

Charlotte grins, patting herself on the back. "As always." she giggled.

Although her laughs are usually contagious, my frown faded in before I could correctly react. She notices my unhappy self, scooting closer beside me.

"You okay?" she whispered with sympathy filling the air.

I exhale, looking up at the ceiling as my overthinking overtakes my mind. "What if he thinks I'm just using him?"

"You'd never use him, and he knows that too. This is also your way at sliding in a date with your crush." she wiggled her eyebrows, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug.

I giggle. "It's not a date! That's such a misconception." I roll my eyes, pushing her off of me and rolling off of her bed, onto my feet.

She falls onto the bed once I pushed her off, laughing at the process.

I reach my hand out for hers to grab, pulling her up onto the floor. "Let's go get this over with."

She stumbles onto her feet, releasing her hand from mine with a smirk growing at the corners of her mouth. "As if you'd want to get it over with."

~~~ 🤍 ~~~

The elevator hits the ground and surprisingly Charlotte didn't end up on the floor. I guess she's already gotten use to the bumpy ride.

I step in front of the door before it opens, glaring at her with hope. "Okay, remember the plan?" I ask, hugging my arms shyly.

She hums with a nod, pushing me out of the doorway and walking through to the Man Cave.

I sigh, whipping my head around but in my surprise, I see Schwoz at the top of the stairs in a disturbing outfit that can make me almost vomit.

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