16. ) Coffee Shop

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"Season 1. Episode 11."

Henry Danger.

"—and one Caramel Latte please!" I request to the waiter. She writes down all of the orders, then asking for a payment method.

I hand the lady my dads debit card, which he did not know I took from his wallet when Henry took a $100 bill.

She beams at me before handing her notes to a barista behind her.

Once she gave me the card back, I walk over to where Charlotte is sitting. She has her pear-pad out as she clicks rapidly threw it.

"Hey, girl. Are you okay?" I giggle at her chaotic clicking as I sit down across from her.

She must have been zoned out because she flinches at my contact. "Oh my god. Yes!" she chuckles. "I was looking for the video Oliver made, to show you." she explains.

"Ooh, how intriguing." I scoot my chair to the side of the table, letting myself come into view of the pear-pad.

"Aha, hear it is." Charlotte clicks on the video, pressing play.

Basically, the video is of Sidney asking Henry's permission to ask me out and him assuming Henry has a crush on me.

I blink, taking this all in at once is a lot. "Wow." I mutter. "People think Henry likes me, that's crazy talk." I fling my arms in the air, then folding them in front of my chest and leaning back in my chair.

Charlotte sighs. "You can be oblivious sometimes." she commented.

I pull my hand up to my heart dramatically. "What do you mean, obviously!?"

The girl rolls her eyes at me, clicking out of the videos tab and shutting off her pear-pad. "Do you know about Henry and Chloe?" she interrogates randomly.

I move my position, now leaning on the table with my elbows. "I'm assuming that's Henry's date?"

Charlotte sighs. "Yep. I bet you he only asked her on a date to spite his jealousy." She taps her finger on the table, as if she navigating something on a map.

I narrow my eyes at her, keeping my stare but remaining silent for a few moments. "He thinks i'd say yes to Sidney? How low does he think my standards are."

"Well, they have to got be low if you like Henry. " She jokes as she fixes her posture.

I furrow my brows. "I don't like Henry and he doesn't like me."

She falls quiet, looking at me confused. "I could've swore you two had something going on. Do you not want to like each other?"

I sigh and look down at the table between my arms; trying to connect words to say. "It's not that. I just don't want him to get into trouble with dad."

"Here is your coffees and a cup holder you asked for." The barista speaks from beside us, causing me to jump and startling Charlotte.

"Ah, thank you!" I take the coffee labeled 'Caramel', letting the scent of it hit me. "This relieves me." I melt from the smells.

Father's employee | Henry Hart x Reader ✔️Where stories live. Discover now