11 ) Zombie Tennis Players

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"Season 1. Episode 7."

Henry Danger.

"Aren't you a little upset Jasper is lying to that girl? Saying he's you." I'm sitting down comfortably in Henry's couch that was in his room. I'm kicking my legs while watching him touch up his Halloween costume and make up.

"No way. I'm not sure how she believes him, his hair doesn't even look like mine. Like look at this." He pulls his hair back and does a sarcastic pose.

I giggle. "Whatever blondie." rolling my eyes, I rest my chin in the palm of my hand. I watch him add fake blood to his face, waiting for my turn.

We both decided to match this year as a surprise for my dad. We're going trick or treating as zombie tennis players to be original.

"All right, Check me out!" He had finished his makeup and clothing, full on Zombie.

"Nicee! Give me a twirl!" I joked.

He playfully rolled his eyes at me, letting a scoff follow behind him. "Yeah, no."

I narrowed my eyes. "Boo."

"Come here. I got to add on your make up." He motioned to me with his hand to come over by the mirror, so I do so.

I close my eyes so that he can add detailing on my eye lids. Maybe a bruised eye, or a cut one.

He inches closer to my face to get a better view; I can feel his breath on me. I feel the blood rushing to my face, I don't think it's normal for people to be this close.

But how would I know, I've only ever had one friend until Henry, Charlotte, and Jasper came along.

I scrunch my brows, trying my best to keep my composure. I'm usually good at keeping my composure, but maybe not this time.

"Are you blushing?" He asks, followed by a chuckle.

I quickly take a step back and cover my mouth, "What?"

"You're red, Y/N."

"Your room is like an oven." I wave my hand at my face like a fan, acting like I'm sweating to death.

"Aw, does someone have a crush on me?" He teases, taking a step forward.

I glare down at the fake blood bottle he held. "You wish." I push him away with my hand, "And the blood is dripping."

His eyes widen, bowing his head towards the floor. He frowns at a tiny blood puddle on his carpet, picking the packet up so that it can't drip anymore.

"Don't worry, I'm sure Schwoz has some type of chemical that can get it out." I affirmed, stepping closing to him so that he can finish my make up.

He scoffs. "Hopefully, or else Piper will tell on me."

I hum in response, closing my eyelids. The cold fake blood hits my eyelids, making me flinch until I shortly grow used to it.

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