12 ) A lying Halloween

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"Season 1. Episode 7."

Henry Danger.

"I'm not kidding when I say that was disturbing." I say with terror in my eyes. We all walk behind Piper while she strides her way to different houses for candy.

Charlotte shrugs. "As long as his crush likes it, I guess?" she suggested her hesitant thoughts.

On the other hand, Henry can't stop whipping his head around to get glances of Jaspers costume, even though every time he turns back around his mouth gapes more and more. "I don't see it." he shivers.

"See what?" I ask while raising my eyebrows in a confused manner.

"What she sees in him." Charlotte says, while Henry nods his head indicating that's what he was going to say.

I titter. "I believe she has a crush on Kid Danger." I poke at Henry with my elbow as I grow a smirk across my lips, his eyes narrow. "That's what she sees in him." I added.

"Very funny, Y/N." He gives me a fake laugh, pausing between every "ha." I smile at him, throwing my hands behind my back.

"Excuse me?" Charlotte snaps, examining the two of us.

Henry and I shoot confused expressions before looking at her in unison. "What?" We questioned.

"Don't make me third wheel!" She wacks us both softly with her empty trick or treat bag, fighting back her giggle.

Henrys cheeks tint a shade of pink, yet trying to seem disgusted by crinkling his nose.
"Ew, Charlotte!" he shouts.

I sneer to him with a sarcastic look on my face as I throw my hands on my hips, stopping in my tracks. "What do you mean ew!?" I shoot daggers right at him.

"Let's just say, you would be lucky to even hold hands with me." He inches closer to my face, his casual smug smirk setting on him.

I push his face away with my palm before continuing to walk behind Piper. "Says you."

"Hello?! Tension!" Charlotte throws her hands up in the air.

"There's no tension Char—" My words get cut off by Piper's yell. She's looking down at her pear-phone while she types away, yet her face is angry. "Stupid Jonathan Swift. Way to go, Dad!" She growled.

I laugh at her unfortunate costume, I then turn around to see Henry yelling at Jasper and the girl. "You guys, come on! We are going trick or treating or what?"

"Yeah, let's do it." Jasper replied as him and Monica make their way over to us.

Henry scans us all in a group, stopping on me for a few moments. "Let's start on Riverside because rich people give out great candy." he demanded.

My fists ball up dramatically as I wave it in the air. "Filthy rich people." I grumbled.

Henry laughs, then throwing his hands into his costumes pockets. "Yeah! And then we can go—"

Henry's Whiz-watch interrupts his speech. He looks to me as his eyebrows pinch, then switching to Charlotte for help. Even though we're just as stuck as him.

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