20. ) The Spoiler

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"Season 1. Episode 13."

Henry Danger.

I twirl around in my body mirror, admiring myself in the medieval like dress. It compliments my curves perfectly as if it was molded for my body.

 It compliments my curves perfectly as if it was molded for my body

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I'm attending Galaxy Wars 9 with Hen and dad tonight. Mainly because I want to watch it in theaters, but also because we're on a look out for "The Spoiler."

He's the second dumbest criminal I've know about, first being Jeff. Why spoil movies and shows for entire Swellview and yourself?"

I pat myself down, making sure there's no dust or rubbish on my dress. I open my bedroom door, seeing Henry and dad standing there impatiently.

Henry dressed as one of a skynaut, and my dad dressed as the main character; Duke Starjacker.

I giggle at how funny they look, which catches their attention. "You guys look so dorky." I snort.

Henry's eyes land on me, scanning me everywhere. His cheeks become a tint of pink before quickly turning away.

He flips his helmet was over his face, hiding his blush. "You look just as dumb." he mumbled.

Dad groans. "Anyrays. Duke wishes he could pull off this dorky hair." he brushes his finger through his hair dramatically.

I scoff, hugging my arms. "Don't make me puke."

I teasingly gag, holding onto my stomach. He pouts like the baby he is as we head towards the secret door.

I tap a button beside the exit, making it slide open. I turn my head to meet the back of Charlottes, a big smile growing on me.

"Charlotte!" I screech, running up behind her and hugging her.

She jumped from the sudden interaction before quickly turning back to her own composure. She pats her hand on mine, which was resting on her shoulder.

"Hey, girl." she spins her chair around to face me, but her eyebrows raise at the sight.

I blush at the awkwardness. "Hellooo.."

She jolts up from her seat, instantly grabbing my hands while looking down at my dress. "You look absolutely stunning, ( Y/N! ) "

"Why, thank you." I jokingly bow, indicating the medieval vibes.

Dad waves his hand at the girl. "Yeah, yeah. She gets her looks from me, whatever. You find anything?"

Charlotte rolls her eyes, turning her head towards the two boys. "Yeah, I found a great pic—" she stops with her words, staring at the two in awe.

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